Projects & Trends
Ideas and insights from around the world.
newsBoston and New York
US Investors Explore Swiss Deep Tech
The group of investors dug into Switzerland’s innovation ecosystem on a one-week tour of Swiss deep tech.
Project & TrendsBoston and New York
Reimagining Detroit: How Innovation and Resilience are Reshaping a City
newsBoston and New York Innovation Startups
East Coast Startup Programs: 2024 Recap
Swissnex welcomed 66 Swiss startups in 2024 for programs in Boston, New York, and beyond.
newsBoston and New York
Swissnex Partners with Institut auf dem Rosenberg
Swissnex is partnering with the St. Gallen boarding school to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaborations in the northeastern US.
newsBoston and New York
10 Swiss Medtech Startups Coming to Massachusetts
The Venture Leaders Medtech 2024 – members of the “Swiss National Startup Team” – will visit Boston on an innovation roadshow in November.
newsBoston and New York
Take your Startup International with Camps in Boston and New York
Are you a Swiss startup ready to explore the US market? Applications are now open for the Startup Camps in Boston and New York, powered by Swissnex and Innosuisse. Apply by October 25, 2024.
newsBoston and New York
Swissnex Takes on the Fight of the Century in New York
We welcomed 1200 attendees to 16 events during Climate Week NYC, anchored by the Climate Ring, a pop-up boxing arena for the fight for our planet.
newsBoston and New York
Climate Collider: Fall 2024 Recap
The third edition of the startup exchange program offered six Swiss startups the opportunity to connect with US peers and stakeholders in the Northeastern US.
More Projects & Trends
Switzerland Makes its Mark at Quantum Events in Washington
University Presidents Tackle Leadership in Times of Crisis
Climate Collider: Fall 2024 Cohort
University in Lugano Launches Boston Sustainability Study Tour
Swissnex to Stage Marquee ‘Climate Ring’ at Climate Week NYC
A Swiss Space at New York's Design Week
Swiss Startups in Boston Ahead of BIO 2024
Introducing Swissnex for the Planet