The Embassy of Switzerland in Japan is hosting a forum of the project TOT City – Tokyo Olympics 2020: Transformations, City and Citizenship in a Case Study at the Ambassador’s residence on November 29, 2021. Led by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, University of Tsukuba, the National University of Singapore and New York University, the multilateral project pursues the question of how the Olympic Games impacted Tokyo neighbourhood dynamics and the urban metropolitan region and contributes towards the understanding of social, political and economic transformations within the urban context.
The event on November 29 will be held in a hybrid setting and brings together experts and stakeholders with the aim of sharing and discussing the first results of the project with an audience of experts in the field and to define further research possibilities on this topic. The event is open to the public (online participation).
Program (in Japan Standard Time)
16:30 Opening Remarks, project overview and rationale
16:45 Session I – Tokyo 2020: impact on citizenship and community
17:30 Break
17:45 Session II – A critical view on urban transformation
18:45 Discussion panel – Mega Events in a global perspective. Urban transformations, platforms and citizenship out of spotlight
19:20 Sum-up and perspective
19:30 End
Download the full program from here > click “Locandina” on the right side under “MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI”
TOT Forum 2020