Photo credit: Swissnex in San Francisco


Swissnex is the Swiss global network connecting Switzerland and the world in education, research and innovation. Our mission is to support the outreach and active engagement of our partners in the international exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent. We thereby contribute to strengthen Switzerland's profile as a world-leading innovation hotspot.



Swissnex is the launchpad for Swiss startups going global. Our equity-free startup programs are customized to the needs of entrepreneurs exploring or entering various markets.

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Photo credit: Swissnex in India / Jobin Philip
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Photo credit: Astra Brinkmann


Swissnex – the Swiss global network for education, research and innovation

With our unique network and expertise, we co-create programs and provide services to the public and private partners. Encompassing foresight, technology and trend scouting, we provide insights derived from our ecosystem of activities across education, research, innovation and creativity.

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Arts & Science