Photo credit: Swissnex in Boston and New York

Mission & Organization

Swissnex is the Swiss global network connecting Switzerland and the world in education, research and innovation.

Mission & Core Values

Our mission is to support our partner’s outreach and active engagement in the international exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent. The six main Swissnex locations are established in the world’s most innovative regions. Together with around 20 Science Offices and Counselors based in Swiss embassies, we contribute to strengthen Switzerland’s profile as a world-leading hotspot of innovation. Our core values are:

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    Connecting its partners to thriving innovation ecosystems worldwide

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    Advising on trends and opportunities in science, education and innovation

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    Promoting the visibility of Swiss higher education and research institutions, startups and other innovation-driven partner organizations

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    Inspiring new ideas by promoting knowledge exchange

The Swissnex model

The organizational and business models of Swissnex sites has evolved gradually since the network's foundation. The Swissnex model itself is based on the following four principles.

  • Strategic locations

    Swissnex offices are located in leading regional and global innovation hubs and in emerging markets with significant economic and scientific potential. The science counselors, on the other hand, are located in the political capitals of important ERI partner countries to conduct bilateral cooperation.

  • Partnership funding model

    Partners of Swissnex locations include public and private stakeholders in the Swiss and local education, research and innovation landscape. These partners cover at least two-thirds of the costs of Swissnex activities.

  • Autonomy and decentralized governance

    Swissnex has lean management structures and decentralized governance. The headquarters at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) is responsible for implementing the overall strategy, defining the objectives of the four-year mandate and the annual Lettre de Mission. The Swissnex CEOs also report to HQ at SERI.

  • Entrepreneurial organizational culture

    Swissnex is driven by creative, open-minded, entrepreneurial employees who strongly identify with its mission and organizational culture. Swissnex CEOs and their teams see themselves as connectors, scouts, and knowledge brokers.

The Swissnex Committee

The Swissnex Committee advises the State Secretary on strategic issues relevant to Swissnex. It comprises ten high-ranking representatives from the most important ERI institutions (Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF, Innosuisse, swissuniversities), the foundations sector, and the public and private sectors. The FDFA’s Directorate for Resources and SERI (International Relations) are also ex officio members of the Swissnex Committee. The Swissnex Committee members are:

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    Christine Bulliard-Marbach, National Council, Swiss Parliament

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    David Grichting, Head of Directorate for Resources, FDFA (ex officio)

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    Torsten Schwede, President of the National Research Council, SNSF (ex officio)

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    Luciana Vaccaro, President swissuniversities (ex officio)

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    Michael Hengartner, President ETH Board

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    Pascal Marmier, Secretary General, The Economy of Trust Foundation

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    Jacques Ducrest, Head of International Relations, SERI

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    André Kudelski, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Kudelski SA, and President of the Innosuisse Board (ex officio)

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    Pascale Vonmont, CEO Gebert Rüf Stiftung and member of the Swiss Foundations Board

Our History

The origins of the Swiss science attaché network

In the years following the Second World War, many states saw the United States as a model for the promotion of research and development of new technologies. In light of the above, the first science attaché was hired at the initiative of the Swiss ambassador in Washington in 1958.

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Swissnex in Boston and New York
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Annual Reports