Swiss Confederation, Swiss Universities, and Federal Institutes offer scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Read more about PhD, Post-doctoral, research grants, and scholarships.
Organizations in Switzerland in several areas open calls, offer study programmes, project funding, grants, and promote international contests for startups, students and researchers: stay up to date with opportunities in 2018! Find more information here.
Grants and scholarships
The EPFL School of Life Sciences wishes to host and support candidates applying for a SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship (deadline: February 1, 2020), or to the PRIMA program for excellent women researchers (deadline: November 1, 2019). The application is open to researchers working in any area of the life sciences, but quantitative and computational biology are particularly encouraged.
Click here for information on SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowships
Click here for information on PRIMA
Your pre-application to EPFL must include: Your brief CV (max 3 pages), your publication list (with complete author list), a 3-page research proposal for the 5-year period, and 2 or 3 reference letters – in one PDF file not exceeding 10 Mb.
The deadline for the pre-application to EPFL is September 10, 2019 at 17:00 CET. The complete application material, including reference letters, must be submitted to this email: [email protected].

ETH Zurich Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme
The “ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship Program” supports incoming fellowships for postdoctoral researchers at ETH Zurich. The program is intended to foster high-potential, young researchers who have already demonstrated excellence in terms of internationally competitive achievements in the early stages of their professional careers.
For application details, click here.
Submission deadlines: 1 March and 1 September, 2018
Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione Grants
Ambizione, Ambizione-PROSPER and Ambizione-SCORE grants are aimed at young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution. The funding scheme would like to promote qualified researchers from Switzerland and excellent researchers from abroad. The grants comprises the salary and project funds for a maximum of three years.
For application details, click here.
Submission deadline: 1 November 2019
PRIMA (Promoting Women in Academia)
PRIMA grants are aimed at excellent women researchers who show a high potential for obtaining a professorship. PRIMA grantees conduct an independent research project with their own team at a Swiss research institution. PRIMA grants cover the grantee’s salary and project costs for a five-year period. With this competitive grant, PRIMA grantees can carve out a name for themselves and take the next step up the academic career ladder: a professorship.
For application details, click here.
Submission deadline: 1 November 2019
Swiss National Science Foundation Mobility grants in projects
Add to your research experience by going abroad! Mobility grants are aimed at doctoral students who wish to improve their scientific profile by going abroad while being employed in an ongoing SNSF research project.
For application details, click here.
Submission deadline: All year round

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for the 2018–2019 Academic Year
Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.
Read more about Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.
Seed Money Grants 2020
The goal of the Seed Money Grants is to strengthen or initiate scientific exchange between researchers from Swiss and Latin American institutions in all disciplines by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research and organize meetings, conferences, or workshops.
For the period 2017-2020, the Leading House will support new cooperation endeavors with all potential partners in the region. Therefore, the Leading House opens the call, inviting scholars from Switzerland to propose mono- or interdisciplinary research projects in any Latin American country, involving bilateral or multilateral partnerships. For projects up to CHF 25,000
Deadline for applications: June 3, 2020
Further information and Application form – click here
Mobility Grants 2020
The aim of the Mobility Grants is to encourage researchers from Swiss institutions to boost their careers with a research stay and fieldwork in Latin America. Mobility Grants are especially useful for emerging researchers (PhD students and Postdocs) for the integration of the next generation of scientists in international collaboration. For proposals up to CHF 7,000.
Deadline for applications: May 25, 2020
Further information and Application form – click here
University of Geneva International PhD program in Life Sciences
The University of Geneva Faculties of Medicine and Science join their forces to offer an outstanding study and research environment in Life Sciences. Highly motivated students with a Master’s degree or equivalent are welcome to apply to one or two of its six innovative doctoral programmes.
For more information, click here.
Submission deadline: 1 October 2018
UBS Center Scholarship for Zurich Graduate School of Economics, University of Zurich
Scholarships are open to graduates from around the world, they are awarded to candidates on the grounds of outstanding academic merit, and continuing support will be subject to satisfactory completion of course work. Admission to the Zurich Graduate School of Economics is a pre-condition for being considered for a UBS Center Scholarship. While preference may be given to students whose research plans include areas of interest of the UBS International Center of Economics in Society, applications from all areas are welcomed.The UBS Center Scholarships are full scholarships, covering living expenses and all fees.
For application details, click here.
Submission deadline: January 31st of the academic year
International Post-doctoral Fellowships, University of St. Gallen
University of St. Gallen offers “International Postdoctoral Fellowships” (IPF) in Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs for young researchers regardless of their nationality. Duration of the fellowship is 36 months.
For application details, click here.
Submission deadline: 10th January, 1st March, 1st September, 2nd November
Biozentrum Basel International PhD Program “Fellowships for Excellence”
The Biozentrum encourages talented, ambitious and highly motivated young scientists from all over the world to apply for the prestigious and sought after fellowships offered by the Biozentrum Basel International PhD Program. In contrast to many other PhD student programs that aim at a broad recruitment of many candidates, the “Biozentrum PhD Fellowships” are awarded on a competitive basis to a maximum of 10 successful candidates per open call. Recipients are offered a unique rotation-based selection of a research group of choice and a number of other incentives that foster the scientific excellence and the career prospects of these PhD candidates.
For more information, click here.
Online applications: 1 September to 15 December
University of Lausanne PhD Fellowships in Life Science starting April 2019
The Faculty of Biology and Medicine offers a broad choice of possibilities in different fields in the context of the outstanding scientific environment of Lausanne. Talented and motivated candidates who have or will have obtained Masters in Switzerland or abroad or equivalent degrees in an appropriate field before Autumn 2019 are invited to submit their application for a PhD fellowship before October 12, 2018.
For more information, click here.
Submission deadline: 12 October, 2018
Research Scholarship of University of Fribourg
Scholarships granted by the Rectorat to foreign researchers (living abroad) who would like to undertake a research stay at PhD or Post-PhD Level at the University of Fribourg. These are the research areas offered at the University of Fribourg.
Deadlines for application – research stay at PhD and Post-PhD Level:
February, 28th for a stay beginning on the following September, 1st at the earliest.
July, 31st for a stay beginning on the following February, 1st at the earliest.
The online registration link is available here.
University of Bern Doctoral Positions for International Students
University of Bern offers doctoral positions for upcoming international scholars. The call for applications targets highly motivated graduates of master’s programmes who have excelled in any discipline that is available at the University of Bern. Applicants will have to complete all of their studies-to-date outside of Switzerland, and achieved outstanding grades in their master’s degree.
Application deadlines for PhD Candidates:
For the fall semester: 15 October / For the spring semester: 31 March
(You can apply to do a doctorate throughout the year).
For more information, click here
The Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science
ETH Zurich hosts a prestigious program that provides funding for selected postdocs throughout the world for up to five years: The Branco Weiss Fellowship – Society in Science. It is open to postdocs with outstanding qualifications who are pursuing unusual projects on the frontier between society and science. Fellows are free to choose their host institution among the top universities worldwide. Once a year in November a symposium is held at ETH Zurich to bring together all fellows.
Deadlines for application: January 15, 2019.
You can find more details on the program, the eligibility criteria and on the application procedure:
Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance
The Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance is designed for student and professionals who have obtained at least a Bachelor diploma. It aims to transfer knowledge about European and international governance, as well as to provide participants with the essential professional skills to become a leader in this specific field. The MEIG Programme prepares participants for leading positions in international or national organisations (public and private sector) working on governance issues.
The academic year 2021-2022 will offer special opportunities in terms of scholarships. Five full scholarships amounting to CHF 45,000 will be offered, as well as, five scholarships of CHF 20’000 as a contribution to living costs. Both types of scholarships are reserved for potential excellent participants that are from ODA beneficiary countries.
There are 2 deadlines for application to the 2021-2022 Programme: 31 December 2020 (first deadline) and 15 February 2021 (second deadline). Applicants will be recruited until the limited places in the MEIG programme are distributed and considering the date of arrival of the MEIG candidate application form. Applications from candidates who apply for scholarship have to be filed before 31 December 2020.
Further information here.
Summer Undergraduate Research Programme in the biological sciences – Université de Lausanne
This English-taught 8-week programme (July 8th to August 29th, 2019) aims at introducing Bachelor-level students to the world of biological and biomedical research: Individual students will be each integrated in a different experimental research laboratory of the School of Biology. This 10th edition of the SUR Programme will host around 15 participants from all over the world, including a couple of local students.
For application details, click here.
Application deadline : 20 January 2019
The EuroTechPostdoc Programme grants 40 fellowships to experienced researchers and provides its fellows exceptional international research and career development opportunities across 4 leading technical universities in Europe (Technical University of Denmark, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL, Eindhoven University of Technology and Technical University of Munich). Following the accession of École Polytechnique Paris – L’X to EuroTech Universities Alliance, l’X will be integrated as co-hosting institution for the EuroTechPostdoc Call of 2019.
The EPFL, as part of the EuroTech Universities Alliance, would like to inform you of the launch of the 2019 call for the ‘EuroTechPostdoc’ Programme, with a deadline for applications on February 28th, 2019. We would be very grateful if you could disseminate the information regarding this call for proposals on the Swissnex Brazil website and if possible among your contacts.
Master’s Grants and Scholarships
- ETH Zurich Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP)
- ETH Zurich Master Scholarship Programme (MSP)
- EPFL Excellence fellowships
- University of Geneva ‘Excellence masters fellowships’
- University of Lugano Master’s Grants
- University of Lausanne Master’s Grants
- University of Geneva International Organizations MBA Program
EURAXESS Brazil & LAC Funding opportunities
“EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion” is a European Commission initiative focused on researcher mobility and career development. Among other activities, EURAXESS supports individual researchers in finding jobs or funding opportunities to make their research stay in Europe a reality. Download the compilation of open calls to fund researchers’ mobility and cooperation with European teams (Issue 20, November 2018):
The School of Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Programme
UNIL’s School of Biology launches a call for applications to the 2020 Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Programme in the biological sciences.
This English-taught 8-week programme (July 6th to August 28th, 2020) aims at introducing Bachelor-level students to the world of biological and biomedical research. This 10th edition of the SUR Programme will host around 15 participants from all over the world. A full scholarship toward tuition costs, living expenses and justified travel costs will be awarded to all selected participants.
Application deadline: January 23rd, 2020. For more information, click here.
Calls, study programmes, project funding, grants, and contests
Fellowship Future Food
ETH Zurich and EPFL have launched Future Food – A Swiss Research Initiative together with Bühler, Givaudan and Nestlé (the first partners on board) to further expand research and education in the area of food and nutrition sciences.
The Future Food Fellowship is a postdoc programme for exceptionally qualified young researchers who propose projects targeting future food issues, such as nutrition, production, packaging and digital health. Although the call is open to any outstanding proposal, the following topics are prioritised in 2020:
- Plan-based proteins
- Digital technologies for food design
- Sustainable packaging
- Microbiome
For further information on the eligibility criteria and other aspects of the fellowship, click here.
Application deadline: 31th of March 2020
The Swiss Post tests drones for the delivery in emergency cases or for special transport needs. Do you also have a creative business idea in the fields of urban logistics, digital building, smart assistance, automatic data processing, first and last mobility mile, data economy, trust services, IoT focusing on payments and you have not incorporated a company yet?
Apply now for PostVenture19 and get financial support up to CHF 50’000 to realise your startup idea together with Swiss Post. Describe your business idea in an elevator pitch with 300 characters (customer profile, value proposition, market potential).
For more information and to apply click here.
22.09.2019: Application deadline, quality control
Climate-KIC Accelerator
Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate innovation to mitigate and adapt to climate change is now looking for teams with scalable and technologically promising business ideas to join the Climate-KIC Acceleration Programme for climate innovation. The aim of this programme is to enable teams who are passionate about their cleantech solution to devote their time fully to their venture and scale up their business.
Eligible startups can also apply for the Side Call with Munich Re and ERGO.
The window for applications is from June 17th to July 22nd.
Click here for more information.
The Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context
Application is now open for the “Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context” held on June 3-8, 2019 at the Institute of Social Ethics ISE at the University of Lucerne. The Summer University is organized under the patronage of UNESCO and enables those active in the fields of science and research to examine moral questions and ethical topics of today and tomorrow in a global context – beyond the boundaries of academic fields, cultures, traditions, religions and world views – and to search together for solutions and the possibilities of implementing them. This involves critical analysis, constructive discussions and the consideration of different perspectives. PhD/Doctoral and MA students from around the world and from different disciplines can apply to take part in building a global network for sustainable responsibility.
Application Deadline: 15 February 2019
E³ Program EPFL Excellence in Engineering
The EPFL Excellence in Engineering Program offers an intensive research training opportunity to students interested in research careers in any field of engineering, science and technology. You will be working as a member of the research group for a period of 8 to 12 weeks during the summer months. An extension to a full semester can be discussed on a case by case basis.
Submission deadline: 1 february, 2019
DayOne Acceleration Program
DayOne, the Swiss innovation hub for precision medicine and digital health run by, is launching an acceleration program supported by Fondation Botnar. Applications are now open to project ideas improving the wellbeing and health of children and adolescents worldwide. Seeking brilliant project ideas that, combined with digital technologies, healthcare expertise and entrepreneurial spirit, will help solve the health challenges and unmet needs of young people. Selected projects will receive up to 70,000 CHF in non-dilutive funding.
Designing Advanced Services at the the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (Supsi)
The applications are open for the courses “Designing Advanced Services” and “From Project Ideas to Market” that provides the skills for developing a digital-based project with a successful business plan. Talented students from Brazil have the opportunity to have a scholarship. The courses will take place during the month of January and March 2019 as part of the Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design SUPSI.
About the Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design
The Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Interaction Design combines design thinking, prototyping techniques, digital fabrication, programming, and physical computing in one study program addressing the realization of projects in which the interaction between the design culture and the technological development allows to generate design-driven innovations.The program places Interaction design at the center of an original curriculum where it serves as the key element in the design of Advanced Artifacts, Environments, and Services. The goal of the MAS is to train skilled professionals who play a key role within the most innovative industrial and design fields.
Study programmes at the World Trade Institute – University of Bern
– Summer Academy: 3 weeks of studying cutting-edge issues in investment and trade law and policy. Designed for private and public sector and civil society professionals as well as higher-education students.
– Master of Advanced Studies in International Law and Economics (MILE), which will be entering its 19th year this September.
– TRAIL+ (LL.M. & DAS) programme targeting law graduates looking to take the next step in their careers or in academia.
The World Trade Institute is a leading academic institution dedicated to teaching and research focused on international trade and investment regulation and economic globalisation and sustainability. As a centre of excellence at the University of Bern with an international, interdisciplinary focus, we explore the interconnections between the fields of law, economics and political science. The WTI combines graduate-level education, interdisciplinary research and specialised advisory services.
Support Fund Translation House Looren
Translation House Looren offers to its guest translators the opportunity to apply every two years for a grant from the Support Fund. This grant from can reach the sum of 50 CHF per day, and be up to a maximum of 1,500 CHF per residency. Each project is usually supported only once.
Translation House Looren offers literary translators residencies of several weeks and welcomes professional translators of all nationalities and language combinations.
Click here for more information and how to apply.
Coincidencia Residencies in South America
5 Open Calls for Residencies for Swiss artists in South America. Located in different countries and contexts, from remote areas of the continent to the densest urban confluences, these five art spaces share today a common wish to reflect on society, on territorial issues and on nature through diverse artistic practices. The participating residencies are: CAB (Patagonia – Chile), CAPACETE (Rio de Janeiro – Brazil), cheLA (Buenos Aires – Argentina), JUNTA (Teresina – Brazil) and lugar a dudas (Cali – Colombia). All five residencies provide travel expenses, accommodation and per diem.
Deadline for applications: 28 October 2019.
Biozentrum PhD Fellowships Program
Biozentrum – The Center for Molecular Life Sciences – encourages talented, ambitious and highly motivated young scientists from all over the world to apply for the prestigious and sought after fellowships offered by the Biozentrum Basel International PhD Program. The “Biozentrum PhD Fellowships” are awarded on a competitive basis to a maximum of 10 successful candidates per open call, which occurs every Winter and Summer.
For further information on application and selection procedure click here.
The Summer School of the University of Lausanne
For PhD students in social, political and human sciences here are two courses: Postcolonialism and the BruLau Gender Studies. The Gender studies Summer School named BRULAU is organized jointly by the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the University of Lausanne (UNIL). It aims at strengthening the gender studies training of PhD students in all disciplines of the human sciences.
As for the Summer School on Postcolonialism, it invites participants to discuss a multitude of subjects related to decolonial and postcolonial studies. And the topics of Orientalism in reverse, Swiss imperialism, post- and decolonial feminisms and “black critical thoughts” will also be touched upon.
Registration is online until March 31th – courses given in French.
For more information, click here.
CYD Fellowships
Cyber-threats have been accelerating due to the exponential growth of network connectivity. To this end, the Cyber-Defence (CYD) Fellowships was created to promote new solutions to major challenges in the fields of security and data science. It brings together basic and applied research in cyber-defence hosted by a higher education institution in Switzerland, the CYD Campus located on the premises of EPFL. The Fellowship awards Master, Doctoral and Postdoctoral students and the application deadline is March 30th.
For more information, click here.