Swissnex in Brazil offers different programs open to researchers, entrepreneurs and artists from various fields. Learn more about the calls, eligibility criteria and deadlines below.

nexBio Amazônia
An open innovation program for Swiss and Brazilian startups
nexBio Amazônia aims to bring together Swiss and Brazilian startups to work in areas of the Amazon bioeconomy. The main objective is to initiate sustainable, short-term, easy, and quick-to-implement technological solutions that improve the sustainability and efficiency of existing production chains. The program offers an opportunity for Swiss and Brazilian startups to understand the market and experience a unique context, landscape, and culture to develop their project or product and expand their network.

Pantanal Science Camp
Join this unique research and collaboration opportunity open to Swiss researchers.
The Pantanal Science Camp is a customizable academic exchange program. Swissnex will provide access to the largest Private Natural Heritage Reserve in Brazil through a one-week science camp, with complete infrastructure and full support on connecting to researchers, universities and academic partners. The program can be structured for summer schools, field courses and study tours on topics such as sustainability, biology, ecology, wildlife conservation, geology, culture, arts, education, anthropology and more.
Our goal is to provide Swiss researchers the opportunity to discover and experience the Pantanal, bring forward their research and foster international cooperation with Brazilian counterparts.

Academia-Industry Training
Brazilian and Swiss researchers transforming their researches into market innovations.
The Academia Industry Program (AIT) helps Brazilian and Swiss researchers transforming their researches into market innovations. The AIT is an initiative that fosters cooperation in research, innovation and internationalization between Switzerland and Brazil. The first edition of the AIT was held in 2014 and it has happened every year since, supporting over 100 entrepreneurs over eight editions.