The AIT aims to connect promising researchers-entrepreneurs with the innovation and startup ecosystem to develop their high-level research’s market application. International researchers also get the chance to collaborate and share best practices, understand new markets, discover new market applications, and create synergies.
The AIT is an initiative by Swissnex in Brazil and the Leading House for the Latin American Region (University of St.Gallen). It consists of two phases: a training camp in Brazil, connecting Brazilian sciencepreneurs with their Swiss peers on Brazilian ground, and a second training camp in Switzerland.
The program results from the collaboration between Swissnex in Brazil, the University of St.Gallen (HSG), the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI).
Brazilian Participants
Adriana Daudt Grativol
Sana KombuchaAdriana is a Biologist Ph.D. in Biosciences and Biotechnology and the founder and CEO of Sana Kombucha. She uses molecular tools to understand the dynamics of biological communities and ecosystem functioning. Currently, she studies the bacteria/yeast dynamics of the “wild” type of fermentation that produces kombucha.
Fermenting kombucha on a large scale is challenging. It requires controlling the fermentation process of a wild culture of bacteria and yeast to ensure quality control, increase shelf life and enhance distribution range. Sana Kombucha’s team has developed and is testing a custom-designed fermenter to control this fermentation better. They are eager to combine their science-based fermentation process with the best natural ingredients to offer a healthy beverage with a delicious homemade taste.
Alexandre ten Caten
SensorGreenAlexandre works at the Federal University of Santa Catarina as a lecturer and researcher. His background is in Agronomy and Geomatics, with a doctorate in Soil Science. He enjoys working with the spatialization of soil data, land use, and remote sensing. He reads books as often as he can and loves learning new languages.
SensorGreen proposes an innovative soil testing procedure, strengthening the link between soil testing laboratories and farmers. New opportunities for the agri-food sector, like the carbon capture and sequestration market, demand leading-edge, AI-driven, measuring solutions. SensorGreen’s team applies a Soil 4.0 characterization methodology with a protocol for soil scanning and Artificial Intelligence for data processing to allow a digital and Agriculture 4.0 full compatible service.
Denise Fernandes Barbosa
Diagnóstico Funcional BucalDentistry (PUCCAMP, 1986)
Specialist in Functional Jaw Orthopedics (CFO, 2003)
Postgraduate in Sleep Disorders (UNIFESP, 2010)
Dental Sleep Medicine (ABSONO, 2011).
Master of Science degree in Buccal-Dental Biology (FOP-UNICAMP, 2020)
Ph.D. student in Surgery Sciences (FCM-UNICAMP, 2021).The innovation is a personalized intraoral device for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea treatment, restoring the quality of sleep and life of those who suffer from it and sleeping next to the problem. The DIORS – an intra-oral restorative sleep device, is registered, patented, and validated in the market and academia. The DIORS is unique. Because it is personalized, it is easy to adapt with simplicity in setting, removal, and comfort. Optimizing and enabling is our goal to scale to market.
Fábio Neves dos Santos
Cacaus biocosmeticsFabio holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Campinas and is the founder of Cacaus biocosmetics, launched in 2019. He chose entrepreneurship because it allows him to use his significant experience as a researcher to innovate.
His research project aims to determine how bioactive cocoa residues could be used as high-value ingredients in cosmetic formulations. The goal is to eliminate the environmental problem of many farm cacao residues. New cosmetics from cocoa residues could potentially impact the farm’s owners and workers, the cosmetic industry, and people worldwide. Cacaus biocosmetics’ innovative production process reduces the environmental impact of cacao waste into new raw materials.
Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa
ZalinaPh.D. in Food Engineering, Jorge currently works as a full professor at FURG and as a researcher at ZERI. He has co-worked with more than 800 professionals worldwide, was a former UN ambassador against hunger, and has been awarded as one of the most influential scientists in the world by PLOS Biology.
In the framework of AIT, Jorg will be working on Zalina, biotech which has developed a breakthrough technology to produce microalgae biomass and some applications, such as biofuels and bioplastics from microalgae, carbon dioxide, and sunlight. More than 9.5m USD have been invested in 20 years of R&D, and forty-one patents have been deposited. Microalgae are considered the most viable, cost-effective source of renewable solutions, and their industrial processes-based offer high productivity and flexibility.
Marcela Rodrigues de Camargo
-She is a biologist and has a Ph.D. in Pathology. The researcher always aims to improve people’s quality of life from the environment and health understanding. “Producing knowledge has always been my passion, but when I discovered that I could go further, I discovered my calling”.
The recycling of biomass is one of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations, with the study of new forms of reuse a significant global trend. The brewing industry is one of the largest industries in the world, generating a large amount of waste. These residues are currently underused, but microorganisms can transform them into health promoters, increasing the added value of bi-product, helping the environment, and improving people’s quality of life.
Mirelle Dogenski
Up DairyMirelle is a PhD-level Food Engineer experienced in plant biomass biorefinery and production of bio-based materials. Currently working in scientific consultancy, her main activities involve project and people management, entrepreneurship, product R&D and technology innovation.
Her project focuses on developing animal-free food ingredients that cover the technological needs of the food industry, increased consumers’ demand for vegan products, and supply chain circularity. It combines innovative biotechnological approaches and food science expertise to upgrade animal-free food products’ taste, nutrition, and healthiness. Overall, the project aims to position Brazil as one of the global leaders in ingredient supply and technology innovation.
Paulo Henrique Montagnana Vicente Leme
Origina TokenPassionate about coffee, sustainability, innovation, and technology. Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) on entrepreneurship and marketing. Coordinator of the Embrapii Zetta/UFLA Pole of Digital Agriculture, working with agritech startups and entrepreneurship programs.
Brazilian coffee producers do not have the appropriate tools to guarantee origin, traceability, and sustainability. The project aims to build a platform that integrates data on socio-environmental compliance with traceability, generating income for farmers through tokenizing permanent preservation areas and legal reserves on Brazilian farms through a Non Fungible Token technology. The aim is to promote forest preservation and biodiversity in Brazil.
Thaís Nogueira Barradas
Skin VitroThaís is an Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and holds a Ph.D. in Material Sciences (Polymers) and a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy. Her research focuses mainly on the following topics: nanoemulsions, controlled drug release systems, and in vitro testing of dermal, transdermal, and cosmetic formulations.
Skinvitro is a service provider for topical pharmaceutical products supporting preclinical tests and formulation for pharmaceutical and cosmetics manufacturers. We are exclusively focused on topical development and in vitro testing. We connect scientific expertise to industries to support their cosmetic claims or to provide in vitro testing, in vitro method development and validation, and physicochemical characterization.
Vaisnava Nogueira Cavalcante
PREMAVaisnava is a cardiologist with a master’s degree in Behavioral Cardiology that investigates the impact of emotional health on heart health. She is the founder of PREMA, a stress reduction program developed in her research that aims to promote a culture of health, well-being, and meaningful life.
Stress has a significant impact on healthcare and workplace environments. PREMA’s team developed a Multidisciplinary Medical App that provides stress management training with intensive and follow-up programs, access to a knowledge base, guided meditations, an online community, and mental health assessments. It also monitors and helps manage adverse effects (frequent but often neglected). All this is through a clinically validated intervention to make the customer’s experience more efficient and safer.
Swiss Participants
Daniel Dinizo
NaturloopDaniel is a co-founder and CEO of NaturLoop. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering and a Master of Science in Wood Technology at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. He has previously worked as a solutions engineer and marketing manager for one of Canada’s leading wood construction manufacturers.
NaturLoop aims to reduce the environmental footprint of furniture and construction materials. The Biel-based startup developed a technology to upcycle coconut husks in combination with a natural adhesive system to manufacture wood-based panel alternatives. NaturLoop is working towards the market launch of Cocoboard, which has the potential to transform a fraction of the 21 million tonnes of coconut husks that are burned in farms every year into panels suited for furniture and interior architecture.
Denys Sutter
CondenZeroPhD in physics from the University of Zurich, Denys has been CEO of condenZero since 2019.
CondenZero develops and produces scientific instrumentation that enable novel research at extremely low temperatures. Cryo-electron microscopy is used to study viruses and novel materials. Low temperatures can only be sustained for 15 minutes. CondenZero’S technology maintains -270°C for over 24h.
Eduard Müller
UpgrainAs Chief Commercial Officer, Eduard is responsible for the Go-to-Market and commercialization strategy and implementation of Upgrain’s products. With his experience, Eduard is a passionate innovator, entrepreneur, and most importantly, a foodie. His mission is to support and foster a sustainable change in the food and hospitality industry, in which he has been working for over 15 years as a Chef, Hotel Manager, Project Manager, Researcher, Entrepreneur and Management Consultant.
Upgrain’s team has developed a highly innovative upcycling process to mechanically extract proteins and dietary fibers from Brewers Spend Grain in an efficient and sustainable way. Their production facility is directly integrated into the brewing infrastructure. This enables them to close the loops in the food ecosystem and supply upcycled barley back into the food industry. Their mechanical drying and separation process can be scaled up to almost any size depending on brewery capacity. The resulting products; stable powders that can then be used for various food applications, as a healthy nutrient and most importantly; a sustainable alternative source of high-quality plant based protein.
Fayçal M’hamdi
Alter EgoAfter finishing his Bachelor in Communication systems at EPFL, Fayçal started a Master in Computer Science at ETH Zurich in 2021. At the same time, he and his co-founder Pietro started working on Alter Ego’s development, spending most of their time bringing shifting their product from idea to a concreteness. Fayçal is currently taking care of the business development side of Alter Ego and will later-on act as CEO.
30% of online bought clothes are returned. When a single piece of clothing is returned, it has to be shipped back, is often destroyed or has to be cleaned dried and pass a few quality checks. The return operations can cut up to 30% of retailers profit, emit as much CO2 as the Netherlands each year and do not provide the best user experience. Alter Ego’s purpose is to create a virtual fitting room on shopping platforms. From 1 picture, and height of an individual, their technology is able to create an accurate 3D body and extract all measurements. Users will then be able to digitally try clothes online in order to make sure to order fitting articles. Retailers will be able to integrate Alter Ego’s API to their system, and will only have to share data about their articles to make it work.
Mohsen Falahi
DAAVBSc in Electrical engineering with focus on Robotics, MSc in Electrical engineering with focus on AI & Machine Leaning and PhD in Neuroeconomics and Neurofinance, Mohsen is currently the CEO of DAAV.
DAAV’s team has developed a robotic wheelchair to provide full motion freedom for people with reduced mobility. The focus is on using this technology in airports.
Severin Eder
Authentic Seafood AnalougesSeverin is a curiosity-driven food scientist who is dedicated to shape our future food system. After his studies of food chemistry, he specialized in the valorization of plant-based side-streams and novel proteins during my PhD. Currently, he is pursuing a Pioneer Fellowship at ETH Zürich creating a technological platform for commercializing vegan seafood analogues.
Established capture and culture fishery practices largely contradict environmental protection strategies and fail to satisfy the current demand for seafood in an ecologically sustainable way. These circumstances, paired with a global rise in demand for seafood, present an enormous incentive to produce sustainable seafood analogues without a catch. Authentic Seafood Analouges’ team uses a novel texturization platform to develop, scale, and implement authentic seafood analogues that match taste, texture, appearance, and nutritional quality of actual seafood.
Stefano Marchese
WybloAcademic background in business, he has experience in HR & Sales (5 years as a consultant), Innovation (2.5 years as a PhD) and Startups (active since 2017). He has responsibilities in the business & partnership area, building relationships with strategic partners for the Wyblo’s growth, as well as leading co-design and workshops.
Wyblo is the Learning Experience Platform designed to put people back at the center of the learning process. The solution makes it possible to: save time through automation of administrative processes; improve training paths through real-time feedback analysis; and create a holistic and integrated teaching/learning experience with great value-added services (e.g., hosting and library). Wyblo also offers the opportunity to join Ecosistema Formazione Italia, the professional community for Italy that brings together all relevant players in the industry.
Zuzana Sedivà
GroamZuzana has studied biochemistry and food process engineering. During he PhD, she has developed a novel foaming technology for biomaterials. She is now on an entrepreneurial journey with Groam Tech AG (October 2022) to commercialize the foaming of biomaterials based on renewable resources.
Groam Tech’s vision is to produce foamed biomaterials with equivalent performance and competitive prices as today’s conventional foams based on petrochemicals like polystyrene and polyurethane. It has proprietary bio-based and biodegradable materials that are being foamed with standard industrial machinery as well as with novel foaming technology. Groam Tech’s team is building a supply chain for its bio-based foams and looking for partners along the way. It is also looking for end-users interested in green plastic alternatives for fast disposables.