Transdiscourse: Artists meet Scientists

Join us on 3 September 2021 at 11:00 (Brazil)/16:00 (Switzerland) for a discussion with artists and scientists during the "Resilience: Artistic Residence" organized by Silo, with the presence of Jill Scott and Silvie Cuperus.

The resilience artistic residence offers immersion to artistic research and experimentations directed to artists and curators interested in developing their work in a rural environment and in Conservation Units. On the one hand, it ́s goal is to promote a territorial experience that differs from urban life for artistic creation and experimentation, and on the other hand, to create narratives for the present rural/environmental universe through Contemporary Art.

The Resilience: Artist Residency will take place outside science labs and art workshops, in the Atlantic Forest domain, in the Environmental Protection Area of Serrinha do Alambari and on the Itatiaia National Park’s plateau, located at 2,791 meters of altitude.

The residency offers a favorable atmosphere for knowledge exchange between artists and scientists. Although they belong to different universes, using different languages and approaches, they both present creative processes and deal with the resolution of different problems. That said, artists and scientists can greatly benefit from a mutual sharing of experiences and perspectives, especially if they have the opportunity to share the same place for doing research and work. In this sense, by establishing connections between different knowledge and promoting dialogue between multiple actors, Resilience: Artistic Residency aims to promote closer bonds and a richer dialogue between science, art and society.

In this context, Swissnex in Brazil was invited to participate in the efforts to bring artists and scientists closer. Jill Scott, Professor Emerita at the University of the Arts of Zurich, and Silvie Cuperus, Head of Life Science Zurich will participate in two discussions. The first one will be with the participants only on 1 September and the second will be open to the public. They will bring their extensive experience in the relation between arts and science, and discussion the importance of communication with the general public. Scientists and artists could benefit from each other’s experiences in communicating and disseminating their work.

The event will be held in English and Portuguese, with simultaneous translation between the two languages.

