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Building differentials to transform realities

Join us on 19 November at 10:00 (Brazil)/14:00 (Switzerland) during the II International Seminar "Valorization Strategies for Agrifood Products" to discuss how to use already intrinsic aspects of a product, such as relationships with traditions, with local culture and biodiversity, to add even more value to a business.

II International Seminar “Valorization Strategies for Agrifood Products"

During the II International Seminar “Valorization Strategies for Agrifood Products” on 18 and 19 November, specialists from all over the world will debate what is most innovative about “Food Markets that Transform Realities”. The seminar is divided into three thematic panels: "Food market and social innovation", "Building differentials to transform realities" and "Digital markets: building new links between cities and countryside".

On 18 November, Leonardo Machado, CEO-ad interim of Swissnex in Brazil, will participate in the opening panel and introduce Swissnex, the partnership with Embrapa and the importance of international cooperation.

In the second panel on 19 November, “Building differentials to transform realities”, speakers will discuss how to use already intrinsic aspects of a product, such as relationships with traditions, with local culture and biodiversity, among others, to add even more value (and income) to a business.

Carina Pimenta, Director of Conexsus will discuss how the markets are opening for products coming from the Brazilian biodiversity. 

João Hélio Costa, Technical Director of Sebrae/RN, will present the mapping, positioning and construction of markets for products coming from the Seridó.

Dieter Bratschi, Head Data Analytics at Adaptagis and Serge Rezzi, Swiss Vitamin Institute’s Director will talk about how Switzerland uses the ‘Swiss Made’ strategy for food products into practice.

The panel will close with a discussion with the public, on the commonalities of Brazilian products that conquered international markets, moderated by Luciana Vieira.

The event will be in English and Portuguese with simultaneous translation between the two languages.


Organized by

  • Gepad
  • ufrgs
  • sebrae
  • embrapa

Supported by

  • fao
  • swissnex