IFTF’s Ten-Year Forecast: A Journey Through the Uncanny Valley of AI

​Join Swissnex and IFTF for a special invite-only presentation of IFTF's 2035 Ten-Year Forecast research experience.

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Part research presentation, part immersive theater, this experience thrusts you into a future transformed by GenAI’s exciting and unsettling implications. While many are anticipating the productivity gains these tools might bring we also must prepare for AI-powered bots, eerily realistic in their impersonation of humans.


How will we, as individuals, organizations, and societies, engage with the rapidly emerging challenges and opportunities posed by these AI superpowers? How will we navigate the unfamiliar terrain of relationships with AI entities that mirror our own humanity?

​Prepare to be equipped with new tools, maps, forecasts, and perhaps even a few new robot friends, as we journey through this Uncanny Valley together as humans.

​Seats for this exclusive presentation are limited. Register now to secure your place in this rapidly approaching future.

About Institute for the Future
Institute for the Future is the world’s leading futures organization. Our mission is to prepare the world to create better, more equitable futures by disrupting short-term thinking with visions of transformative possibilities.
