Photograph: Myleen Hollero

AI + Trust Salon

Discussing solutions to combat fake news by bringing together actors from the arts, technology, and humanity in an innovative way.

Join Us

Join us on Thursday, November 3 at Pier 17 for a panel discussion focusing on AI, misinformation, and the role of the arts and design.

Who can we trust in the era of fake news? Misinformation in media, politics, and commerce has grown more severe with the new generation of computer-generated content posing as real humans. While new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) might be blurring the lines between reality and propaganda, they can also be a new ally in combating misinformation.

Much more, what can art and design do to address these issues? A renewed focus on cultural impact in the technology innovation process is paving the way to build confidence in our institutions. In this salon, Nicolas Henchoz, chairman of Siggraph 2023 art papers and director of the Swiss EPFL+ECAL Lab will debate with an interactive panel on new practices and knowledge to bridge technology and culture together.

They will explore how new alliances bring unusual actors together, inspire ways to ensure technologies connect with humanity and leave no one behind. 700 years after the Renaissance, it’s time to connect art, technology, and humanity again in a new innovative way.


  • 5:00pm – Doors open
  • 5:30pm – Panel discussion
  • 6:00pm – Q&A
  • 6:30pm – Networking reception
  • 7:30pm – Event ends

Event start time

