Skills requirements are evolving rapidly. According to Swiss manufacturing companies in China, these include digitalization, multi-skills (as opposed to single-skills), continuous learning, and soft skills like teamwork and interdisciplinary thinking. With this in mind, continuous learning and up-skilling are key for Swiss manufacturing companies in China, but current schools are not all equipped to teach these skills. Implementing a dual system that integrates schools and companies is a great solution, and the Swiss VPET model serves as a good starting point. Thanks to these discussions, connections were made between local schools and governments, and training gaps were identified. The VPET system’s duality was approved as a valuable tool for re-skilling and up-skilling.
The event was attended by the Vice Mayor of Dongguan and Swiss companies ABB China, GF China (Georg Fischer), and Bien-Air Dental. Thanks to our partners the Consulate General of Switzerland in Guangzhou, SwissCham China, and the Swissnex team in Beijing.
The VPET alliance
The Swiss VPET Alliance in China is a collaboration between SwissCham China and Swissnex in China. The Alliance assembles representatives of Swiss companies in China, who contribute towards skills-based training in China by offering VPET services of their own.
Find more info on our VPET webpage.