Gabriela Devaud
MushRoom and Fungi Cosmology invite you to launch the Swiss field-trip of Fungi Cosmology program with a cross-discipline conversation exploring the fungi realm on 29.8, 6-8 pm at the Stammtisch of Theaterspektakel!
Fungi Cosmology is an international and transdisciplinary research project led by artists, scientists, and curators from Brazil, Chile, and Switzerland. Over the course of two years, the project seeks to develop new knowledge and languages between the fields of Art & Science by observing and questioning the symbiotic relationships of fungi. The journey includes three major field research trips —one to Brazil in the Amazon, one to Patagonia in Tierra del Fuego, and one to the Valley of Goms in Switzerland.
Before heading to their last journey in Valais, the group will share some insights into their past field trips where diverse perspectives, territories of the fungi kingdom, and varied ways of thinking converged in order to uncover new paths of living and interacting with the world around us. The program in Switzerland is co-curated by Irène Hediger from the artists-in-labs program (Zurich) and Margaux Schwab from foodculture days (Vevey). The project Fungi Cosmology is a co-creation between the two Swiss institutions, Labverde and CAB Patagonia, and is supported by Pro Helvetia and Swissnex Brazil. More info: www.fungicosmology.com
MushRoom, mushy and ever-evolving, pops up in different forms and places, weaving together diverse disciplines, knowledge systems, people, and perspectives, mostly creating space for non-verbal connections. Aligned with the vibrant energy of summer, this covered outdoor gathering, facilitated by MushRoom co-creator Wailea Zülch, aims to foster connections through words while encouraging the practice of deep listening.
We are delighted to invite you to this transdisciplinary conversation at the Stammtisch of the Zürcher Theaterspektakel, an established meeting point where guests from different backgrounds—such as artists, activists, or politically and socially engaged individuals—can share and echo ideas and insights. The guests kick off the discussion; everything else is up to the audience!
This program is a co-creation between Labverde (Amazon) and Casa-Museu Alberto Baeriswyl (Patagonia). It was shaped together with FoodCulture days and the Artists in Labs program at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), in collaboration with Pro-Helvetia and Swissnex in Brazil, and has a partnership with The National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and Magallanes University
Gabriela Devaud