April 1, 2022 | Boston & New York
All over the world, including in the US and Switzerland, programs are underway or being rolled out to accelerate the energy transition. However, as we move forward, we encounter new challenges and conflicting interests. How much do we value factors such as biodiversity, landscape conservation, social equity, financial affordability, or the return on investment demands of the economy in transforming the energy system?
These are just some of the many questions that will be discussed at the Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days (SUEID) 2022 in Bern, Switzerland, from August 14 to August 16, 2022. The challenge is not only about rebuilding our systems to be stronger and greener – but also about accelerating the pace at which we effect these changes.
The conference will also venture into the contributions and intersection of regulation, policy, society, and economy. Getting involved with SUEID 2022 means joining a transatlantic community of energy experts while benefiting from lively short presentations, in-depth panels, and networking. This year’s conference will feature exciting site visits in and around Bern, the federal capital of Switzerland, with its uniquely preserved old city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
SUEID 2022 is organized by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Swissnex, and many more partners. Swissnex is delighted that this vibrant community will get to meet again in person this summer after two years of virtual editions.
For Oliver Haugen, Head of Swissnex’s New York office, SUEID represents the perfect example of Swiss-US collaboration, noting that “there’s a renewed spirit of transatlantic cooperation around energy innovation.” This spirit, he says, is a function not only of international commitments and national policies to accelerate the energy transition but also “the result of current events and their impact on the global energy supply. Now more than ever is the time for smart ideas and concerted action.”
First initiated in 2014 by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy and Swissnex in Boston and New York, SUEID has cultivated a growing community of experts, professionals, researchers, and scientists working at the frontiers of energy. The annual conference is an opportunity for attendees to exchange ideas and explore energy innovations, strategies, market developments, and policies from both sides of the Atlantic.
To register, please send a request for participation to [email protected]. Registration requires a profile in English, a portrait photo, and your organization’s logo. We will notify you as soon as possible if your registration has been accepted.
The Swiss Federal Office of Energy provides travel grants for US participants. A flat-rate contribution of CHF 2,500 will be provided to cover part of the travel and lodging expenses (reimbursement after the conference). In order to apply for a travel grant, please send an email with a description of your area of interest. We will inform you as soon as possible whether you are eligible for a travel grant.
For more detailed information and to view the preliminary program, please download the Save-the-Date document below.