University Leadership in Times of Crisis

An online discussion with US and Swiss university leaders to explore how both countries are weathering unprecedented challenges in higher education.

By many accounts, it is harder than ever to be a university president in the US. Facing declining enrollments and spiraling costs, presidents are expected to solve for larger societal trends. Students and politicians alike perceive presidents as political actors who should adopt controversial stances, even as their actual authority remains limited. Meanwhile, institutional traditions can create barriers to change. The 2024 campus protests heightened many of these tensions, leading to no-confidence votes and prominent resignations. How are campus leaders navigating the current climate, and how do these challenges compare to those in Swiss higher education?

Swissnex and swissuniversities will host a virtual conversation with Professor Brian Rosenberg, former president of Macalester College and author of the recent cover article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, “The Impossible College Presidency.” The online event will feature a talk by Professor Rosenberg and an input from Professor Luciana Vaccaro, President of swissuniversities and Rector of HES-SO, followed by an audience-driven discussion.

The event is by invitation only.



Boston Time

  • 10:00am – Welcome remarks
  • 10:05am – Talk by Professor Rosenberg
  • 10:20am – Input by Professor Vaccaro
  • 10:25am – Moderated discussion
  • 11:05am – Closing remarks
  • 11:15am – End of event

Swiss Time

  • 4:00pm – Welcome remarks
  • 4:05pm – Talk by Professor Rosenberg
  • 4:20pm – Input by Professor Vaccaro
  • 4:25pm – Moderated discussion
  • 5:05pm – Closing remarks
  • 5:15pm – End of event

Event start time



This event is in partnership with swissuniversities, the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities that represents the interests of Swiss higher education at the national and international levels.

  • swissuniversities