LASER Boston: The Crypto Canvas

Join us for a virtual adventure, where we will explore the worlds of blockchain, crypto and art.

In this edition of LASER Boston, we are going on a virtual adventure, where we will explore the worlds of blockchain and its wide range of possibilities. Over the past few years, public attention has turned to this new decentralized technology. But what is a blockchain exactly? How does it work? And where is it applicable? What do cryptocurrencies and art have to do with it? These and many more questions will be answered by three impressive speakers from the arts and sciences. They will share their work and thoughts around blockchains, crypto, and art.

So please join us for LASER Boston: The Crypto Canvas on Thursday, March 25th to explore the beauty and bandwidth of blockchains and crypto with Prof. Dr. Claudio J. Tessone (Academic Director and Chairman at UZH Blockchain Center), !Mediengruppe Bitnik (contemporary artist duo) and Sarah Meyohes (emerging technologies artist).

Presented by Swissnex and SciArt Initiative.


In Boston (EST)

12:00 pm – Welcome Remarks
12:15 pm – LASER Speaker Talk 1
12:30 pm – LASER Speaker Talk 2
12:45 pm – LASER Speaker Talk 3
01:00 pm – Q&A and Closing Remarks with questions from the audience
01:30 pm – End of Event

In Switzerland (CET)

06:00 pm – Welcome Remarks
06:15 pm – LASER Speaker Talk 1
06:30 pm – LASER Speaker Talk 2
06:45 pm – LASER Speaker Talk 3
07:00 pm – Q&A and Closing Remarks with questions from the audience
07:30 pm – End of Event


– Claudio Tessone – Blockchains for a decentralized, anonymous world. How close are we?
– Sarah Meyohas – BitchCoin
– !Mediengruppe Bitnik

LASER Boston is co-organized by Swissnex in Boston and New York and SciArt Initiative. LASER is a program of Leonardo/the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology. LASER Boston meets four times per year, featuring local and visiting artists, scientists, technologists, and creative professionals.

