Global Health: Where Do We Go From Here?

How can we advance global health in an increasingly fragmented world? Discover insights on this question from the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023.

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023, key thought leaders described our current global challenges as a “polycrisis” of political instability, pandemics, and climate change. Under the theme of Cooperation in a Fragmented World, leaders from across academia, economics, innovation, government, and civil society gathered in Davos to discuss potential solutions to these overlapping challenges.

In this event, we will discuss takeaways on global health from Davos, hearing from Boston-based experts who were there. We will ask how new initiatives can create a healthier, more prosperous future in the face of endemic and emerging plights. Can social entrepreneurship not just deliver technology but also support frontline workers? How can technological solutions be scaled while respecting basic medical needs and ethical limits? And how should governments and businesses work together to implement biosecurity measures that prevent or treat disease and respect privacy? Join the discussion to learn about frontline innovations in global health. A networking reception will follow the discussion.


  • 5:15pm – Doors Open
  • 5:30pm – Opening remarks and introductions
  • 5:35pm – Moderator led discussion between panelists
  • 6:05pm – Q&A session
  • 6:30pm – Networking
  • 7:30pm – Doors Close

Event start time


Nathalie Minder

As Head of Innovation, Nathalie leads Swissnex’s startup and innovation programs on the East Coast. After several years in the music industry and co-founding an e-commerce startup, Nathalie worked at STARTUP CAMPUS to support Swiss entrepreneurs in turning their ideas into businesses. Nathalie holds an MS in Business & Management from the Stockholm School of Economics and a BS in Business Administration from the University of Bern.



  • PRS