The 2021 Swiss contribution to WantedDesign Online, is a one-of-a-kind live broadcast called “AIRTIME, Swiss Design TV” and will feature fourteen outstanding Swiss designers. Join us for a unique exhibition launch event on Instagram live.
With the question “WHAT IS WANTED?” in mind, AIRTIME newscasts the world of things and the world of immaterial and invisible design ranging from haptic care, imaginative graphics, and social anthropology to building biodiversity, multi-species ecosystems to relational technology, and beyond.
- 12:00pm – Go Live
- 12:05pm – Swissnex and Consulate speak
- 12:10pm – Moderator presents
- 12:30pm – End Live
iCal / Outlook
Event start time
12:00PM -
1:00PM -
12:00AM -
11:00AM -
9:30PM -
New York
12:00PM -
San Francisco
9:00AM -
6:00PM -
Curated, moderated, and scripted by Matylda Krzykowski
“I think the qualities of stories of today are now being seen on Internet television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of narrative qualities are watching it online.”
After Work Studio
After Work Studio
Fashion DesginRelational processes between production parties for a shared responsibility
Alena Halmes
Alena Halmes
Product DesignImpactful object experiences that make important and difficult social matters tangible
Bamna Dadashzadeh
Bamna Dadashzadeh
ResearchCourageous yet responsible methodologies to create futures today
Keine Agentur
Keine Agentur
CommunicationCommunication encouraging possible utopias and a transformation of the now
Luca Schenardi
Luca Schenardi
IllustrationImagined worlds to be lured out of your shell and encouraged to discuss
Martina Huynh
Martina Huynh
Social DesignUpgraded man-made systems integrating more-than-human perspectives
Marwan Bassiouni
Marwan Bassiouni
PhotographyQuestion negative representation of muslim religion by presenting it under a different light
Nadine Cocina
Nadine Cocina
Interaction DesignInteractions challenging technology and the way we perceive and connect with it
Ozan Polat
Ozan Polat
Digital DesignInventing new forms of ownership for new forms of society
Paula Cermeno Leon
Paula Cermeno Leon
Industrial DesignConsumable objects based on local plant extracts and vegetal matter for our wellbeing
TechnologySaving the endangered biodiversity of ecosystems: living organisms and nonliving components
Sarah Owens
Sarah Owens
EducationPerspectives and approaches for design to be and to remain relevant
Sumegha Mantri
Sumegha Mantri
Medical DesignCloser to human healthcare technologies for an easy well-being
Valentin Woeffray
Valentin Woeffray
VideographyAdvertising the alluring visual abilities of images to create critical thought
AIRTIME will be available online anytime from September 20, 2021 until October 30, 2021, on www.wanteddesign.online and offline at Halle 3 Swiss Design Awards 2021 in Basel, Switzerland until September 26, 2021.
Filmed and produced by Tristesse with visual identity and graphic design by Dual Room
To view the press release and other info on AIRTIME click here.