The Covid-19 pandemic brought to light the social inequalities and exposed frailties in the access to certain fundamental human rights, such as access to health and mobility. The type of housing, sanitation level, mobility, and urban structures play an essential role in people’s individual and collective health. The right to the city, the right to an efficient mobility structure, planned urbanization, and urban equipment improve a population’s quality of life and health. How can architects and urban planners tackle the global challenges of developing necessary infrastructure and services, especially in more impoverished regions of the world? Which practices can be implemented to improve citizens’ lives? How can technology, innovation, and local communities contribute? To answer these questions, Swissnex in Brazil invited Anna Karla Almeida, PhD candidate at EPFL, to moderate a discussion between Vitor Pessoa Colombo, PhD candidate at the EPFL, Ligia Vizeu Barrozo, Professor of Geography at the University of São Paulo, and Thiago Hérick de Sá, public health professional at the WHO. Download the PDF of the article at the top of the page.
Urban living, mobility and health: the future of our cities
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