Photo credit: Fiammetta Pennisi

nexCafé #2: The Role of Science and Technology in Art and Humanities

A panel discussion featuring a musician, an artist, and a scientist explored the relationships between sound, consciousness, perception, memory, and the body, while also presenting insights into interdisciplinary art and science projects.

Photo credit: Swissnex in Japan

The Role of Science and Technology in Art and Humanities

November 16, 2022

It has been a rousing success and a pleasure for us to host the second edition of nexCafé.
This time, we investigated the role of science and technology in art and humanities.
Together with Luca Forcucci, an internationally known artist, composer, scholar, and chair of
LASER NOMAD, we invited Ryuta Aoki, a Tokyo-based artistic director and social sculptor,
and Prof. Adrian Altenburger, professor for building technology at the Lucerne University of
Applied Sciences and Arts. Rounded off by an amazing sound demonstration, Luca Forcucci
presented his research about the relationships of the sonic with consciousness, perception,
memory and the body. While Ryuta Aoki gave us an insight about interdisciplinary art and
science projects, Prof. Adrian Altenburger made us think about beauty and entropy in
nature. During the panel discussion, Luca stated that art is not only aesthetic. It is, like
science, an expression for life. He also mentioned the importance of decentralizing
knowledge, looking outside well established Western academic methodologies, and
focusing on the rituals involved within interdisciplinary collaborations.