nexBio Amazônia opens call for 2nd edition

Discover how your startup can be the game-changer for sustainable and efficient solutions in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Applications open January 14th!

Swiss-Brazilian Sustainable Innovation Program for the Bioeconomy

Swissnex in Brazil, together with the Leading House for the Latin American Region – University of St. Gallen (GIMLA-HSG), the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (Confap) and Pólen (Public Management Innovation Laboratory) are pleased to invite to join the second edition of the Swiss-Brazilian Open Innovation Program for the Bioeconomy, nexBio Amazônia.

nexBio Amazônia aims to bring together Swiss and Brazilian startups to work in areas of the Amazon bioeconomy. The main objective is to initiate sustainable, short-term, easy, and quick-to-implement technological solutions that improve the sustainability and efficiency of existing production chains.

Starting 21 July and ending 01 August, the program will cover all costs for Swiss and Brazilian technology-based startups with the potential to profit from revolutionizing sustainable supply chains of local high-value forest products.

Participate in the nexBio Amazônia Program and count on Swissnex in Brazil's support to:

The nexBio Amazônia program is designed to substantially accelerate the implementation process of sustainable technologies and, therefore offers:

  • Targeted introductions and matchmaking with relevant customers, investors, and business partners as well as local stakeholders from industry, academia, government, and civil society
  • Immersion in the local innovation ecosystem and culture through workshops, mentoring, and networking events
  • Guided field trips to local production sites in the Amazon rainforest
  • Connection with complementing local and international startup programs, accelerators, and funding mechanisms to guarantee the continuation of the product implementation
  • Internationalization counseling, market intelligence, and scouting services
  • Support for development and testing of service and business model
  • Logistic and administrative support

The program partners will fully cover the costs of travel and accommodation, as well as on-site trips, transportation, events, and meals. The nexBio Amazônia program will take place in the Brazilian state of Pará and Amazonas for two weeks, from Monday, July 21, 2025, to Friday, August 01, 2025.



The startups must contribute to the development of ready to market solutions for products, technology based services or methods, which have a significant market potential to bring sustainable change to existing production chains in the Amazon, especially in these areas:

  • Supply Chain Optimization & Automation
  • Quality Assurance Technologies & Traceability
  • Information and Communication Technologies & Management
  • Community Empowerment & Social Innovation

Positive impact in these areas is the main criteria, and the type of technology is only secondary. Technologies can be based on (non-excluding) Automation, AI, Blockchain, Big Data, Food Technologies, Biotechnologies, Sensors & hardware, IoT, Software (SaaS), Energy Solutions, New Materials, etc.

The nexBio Amazônia program remains open for various types of applications and values the transferability of technologies across production chains. However, after careful consultation with local experts, bioeconomy specialists, and local communities, the program will initially prioritize and direct innovative technologies toward industries that have a particularly high potential and urgent need for innovative solutions. 



All applications must meet the following eligibility criteria to be qualified for evaluation:

  • The startup must demonstrate a strong case on how their solution will contribute to the sustainable development of the local socio-bioeconomy
  • The project must be aligned with and strive for the SDGs 
  • The company must be registered in Switzerland or Brazil
  • The startup has a ready-to-market solution that, with the right partners, can be implemented in the short-term (minimum TRL 5, Ideal TRL 7 or higher)
  • The solution should be a science-based innovation and add value to the bilateral cooperation in both countries

Only fully-filled proposals meeting all eligibility criteria will be considered for further evaluation.

Brazilian startups:

Please note that only researchers from states where the Research Support Foundation – FAP (find the list here) is a participant in the agreement to fund this program will be accepted. 

Each FAP has its own guidelines associated with this call. Interested parties are advised to consult their supporting FAP before preparing a proposal.



The nexBio Amazônia program invites researchers from Brazilian and Swiss institutions to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to address the key challenges faced by the Amazon region. The program encourages research into technologies, methods, or products that can bring about meaningful and lasting change for local industries and ecosystems while recognizing traditional knowledge and local production systems.

The researcher must be aligned with the areas of sociobioeconomics and contribute to the sustainable development of the local ecosystem. Potential areas are: 

  • Biodiversity 
  • Food Systems
  • Climate Change
  • Social Sciences and Economy

The nexBio Amazônia program supports scientific research across a variety of key areas, with a focus on developing sustainable solutions for the Amazon region. These research areas are designed to foster interdisciplinary approaches that combine scientific innovation with local knowledge, addressing complex challenges faced by the Amazon region while promoting sustainable development and environmental preservation. The specific research areas will be identified after careful consultation with the local academic environment and its priorities.



All applications must meet the following eligibility criteria to be qualified for evaluation:

  • Researchers entitled to apply must be affiliated with a Brazilian or a Swiss research institution in any scientific discipline or field of study. 
  • The researcher must demonstrate a clear and strong research interest that contributes to the sustainable development of the local economy and ecosystem
  • The research axes must be aligned with and strive for the SDGs
  • The research topic should be science-driven and offer innovative contributions that add value to the bilateral cooperation in both countries

Only fully-filled proposals meeting all eligibility criteria will be considered for evaluation.

Please note that only researchers from states where the Research Support Foundation – FAP (find the list here) is a participant in the agreement to fund this program will be accepted. 

Each FAP has its own guidelines associated with this call. Interested parties are advised to consult their supporting FAP before preparing a proposal.


Applications shall be submitted in electronic format only through the online application form by midnight on Friday, February 14, 2025. Please submit the complete application on the Swissnex website according to the instructions.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the formal requirements are fulfilled and that the content is accurate and complete. Otherwise, the application cannot be considered. All information provided in the administrative part and all uploaded documents must be written in English.

For Swiss participants: the responsibility for securing the necessary visa to enter Brazil rests solely with the applicant. It is the applicant’s duty to ensure they meet all the requirements and complete the application process in accordance with Brazilian immigration regulations.


The eligible applications will be evaluated by Swissnex in Brazil and the nexBio Amazônia program partners: the Leading House for the Latin American Region –  University of St.Gallen, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), and the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (Confap) who will select together up to 10 startups from Switzerland and up to 10 startups from Brazil, as well as up to 10 researchers.

The main guiding criteria is the alignment of the application with the purpose of the call. To ensure the match of the technological solutions with the local challenges and context of the Amazon region, the evaluation process will be conducted with the consultation of local experts from academia, industry, government, and civil society.

Pre-selected applicants will be invited for an online interview where they will pitch their startup (3 minutes) or research interests (3 minutes), followed by a Q&A (3 minutes). If accepted, the participants will be asked to sign a commitment form and will be required to write a 5-page final report after the program is finished.




  • Swissnex