The first edition of nexBio Amazônia will take place in Pará between 22 July and 02 August, and it will feature 7 Swiss and 7 Brazilian startups and 5 Swiss researchers.
The group will undergo an intense hands-on two-week program that includes workshops on product development, culture, local regulations, bioeconomy, and the Amazon region, visits to governmental and research institutions, innovation labs, universities, and corporates, meetings with potential customers and partners, and knowledge exchange with the local community, scientists, mentors, and experts from the sector.
About nexBio Amazônia:
The program nexBio Amazônia aims to bring together Swiss and Brazilian startups to work in areas of the Amazon bioeconomy. The main objective is to initiate sustainable, short-term, easy, and quick-to-implement technological solutions that improve the sustainability and efficiency of existing production chains.
nexBio Amazônia offers an opportunity to understand the market and experience a unique context, landscape, and culture to develop their project or product and expand their network.
Choosing the participants:
In partnership with Fapespa, ILMD Fiocruz Amazônia, Sesc Brasil, and Universität St.Gallen (HSG), Swissnex in Brazil held the co-creation workshop in Belém in November 2023. We welcomed 24 experts from government, academia, commerce, industry, and civil society from the state of Pará for the co-creation workshop to build the thematic axes of the Swiss-Brazilian open innovation program in bioeconomy: nexBio Amazônia.
The goal was to define challenges with local stakeholders to provide a platform and catalyst for Swiss and Brazilian technologies to be implemented and adapted locally in a short period through an extensive program.
After the co-creation workshop, the program opened a call prioritizing innovative technologies toward 4 industries that have a particularly high potential and urgent need for innovative solutions: cacao & cupuaçu (Amazonian edible fruit), essential oils, fishing industry, and other non-timber forest products, with the need for solutions in Supply Chain Optimization & Automation, Quality Assurance Technologies & Traceability, Information and Communication Technologies & Management, Community Empowerment & Social Innovation.
Take a look at the 19 participants below!
Meet the Swiss startups:

Meet the Brazilian startups:

Meet the researchers:

The program was built in collaboration with some of Brazil’s most influential institutions and prepares a path for Swiss and Brazilian technologies to reach the region’s decision-making institutions and local farms. It is aligned with governmental and private sector initiatives and monetary incentives that strive towards a more sustainable circular bioeconomy.