Electricity consumption is expected to increase sharply in the coming years and decades, notably due to electrification. Japan and Switzerland rely heavily on energy imports (fossil fuels, gas, and coal) and must align strategies to decarbonize energy systems to achieve the net zero target for greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) set for 2050. A secure and sustainable energy supply for Switzerland and Japan is of strategic importance.
A secure, efficient, and sustainable energy supply depends on:
Innovation in renewable energy sources
Seasonal storage possibilities
A reliable connection to the international energy market
These challenges are of strategic priority and can only be solved through international collaboration, leveraging breakthrough technologies, and bold policy steps.
A Bilateral Conference
The Swiss-Japan Energy Days 2024 will stand on the frontiers of breakthrough energy innovations and developments, focusing on academic trends, startup pitching, private sector needs, and policy advances. Energy has a systemic relevance and requires collaboration among academia, authorities, private industry, science policy experts, and the next generation of young entrepreneurs. At the end of the conference, the organizers aim to define topics for next year’s conference during Expo 2025.
The conference aims to achieve tangible results by bringing top experts together and enabling new collaboration opportunities between Switzerland and Japan in the strategic fields of energy research and innovation. It will convene 30 speakers and game-changing startups in all breakthrough energy fields to exchange best practices, breakthrough research trends, and policy approaches for sustainable future energy supplies.
Day 1: “Market Developments and Renewables”
Date and time: September 10, 2024, 8:30-12:30 (Swiss time) / 15:30-19:30 (Japan time)
Venues: ETH Zurich, HG E7 & Swissnex in Japan
The first day will focus on market developments and renewable energy. The event will commence with welcome remarks from Felix Moesner, Swiss Consul & CEO of Swissnex in Japan, followed by opening remarks from Benoît Revaz, Director of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE). Keynote speeches will be delivered by Tatsuya Terazawa, Chairman and CEO of the Institute of Energy Economics. Academic insights will be provided by Prof. André Bardow from ETH Zurich and Prof. Kazunari Sasaki from Kyushu University. The day will also feature startup pitches from innovative companies Borobotics, Bereva, EX-Fusion and Tensor Energy, and industrial insights from experts such as Norbert Rücker, Head of Economics & Next Generation Research at Bank Julius Baer. Andy Sommer from Axpo Solutions will introduce the European emissions trading scheme as an example of a decarbonization toolbox. Osaka Gas will talk about their e-methane initiatives, promoting carbon neutral. A panel discussion will delve into current challenges and opportunities, culminating in final remarks by Christian Schaffner from ETH Zurich before concluding with a lunch/dinner session.
Day 2: “Storage and Renewables”
Date and time: September 11, 2024, 8:30-12:30 (Swiss time) / 15:30-19:30 (Japan time)
Venues: ETH Zurich, HG E5 & Swissnex in Japan
The second day will emphasize storage solutions and renewable energy advancements. The day will begin with opening remarks by Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, and Nagahiro Minato, President of Kyoto University. Academic insights will feature talks by prominent scholars, including Prof. Ben McLellan from Kyoto University, Prof. Thomas J. Schmidt from Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), and Prof. Vanessa Wood, Vice President for Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations at ETH Zurich; Prof. Nathalie Casas from Empa will introduce CO2-negative innovations in the building sector. The event will include startup pitches from emerging companies such as Neology and AC Biode, followed by industrial insights from leaders like Patrick Meli, Managing Director, MAN Energy Solutions Schweiz AG, and Tatsuo Ogawa, Group CTO of Panasonic. The day will conclude with a panel discussion and final remarks by Prof. Adrian Altenburger from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), wrapping up with a lunch/dinner session to foster networking and collaboration.
This event is co-organized by Swissnex in Japan and the Energy Science Center of ETH Zurich, in partnership with the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), EPFL, energie-cluster.ch, CleantechAlps, Swiss Business Hub Japan, and the Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (SCCIJ).
This year’s conference is also part of the “Swiss Vitality Days 2024,” powered by Vitality.Swiss to engage multiple Swiss and Japanese stakeholders from September to October 2024. This dialogue and knowledge exchange platform will explore solutions for a vitalized future in health, sustainability, and innovation, fostering common prosperity on the road to Expo 2025. Vitality.Swiss is an initiative of the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan, the Consulate of Switzerland in Osaka, Swissnex in Japan, Swiss Business Hub Japan, the Science & Technology Office Tokyo, Switzerland Tourism Japan, and Presence Switzerland.
Full Program & Registration
Registration is now open for participants in Switzerland and Japan. Please follow the venue links below for the event details and sign up for the conference by 3 September 2024. Registration is required for this in-person event with limited capacity.