iii Regulations
Duration of internship
The internship is for 3 months (calendar month) in India and any request for a shorter tenure will not be eligible. An extension of the internship might be possible if financially supported by the host company.
Timeframe of your stay
Start date of the internship is between April and October 2023. The time restrictions of the student and the host company will be taken into consideration to ensure the best possible placement.
Living allowance
The interns receive a monthly living allowance of CHF 1000, paid in INR according to the present exchange rate. This allowance is partly contributed by the supporting university of the intern and the supporting foundations.
Obligation of an India Industry Internships (iii) intern
By accepting this internship, you agree to participate in our iii online platform with,
– One blog post to share your experiences during your stay in India
– Share photographs from visiting host company, preferably with you present in the picture (showing quality of work), photos of interactions with colleagues (networking pictures, showcasing diversity), photos of workspace, photos of city you are living in (showing life in an Indian city)
– Final presentation: For the Swissnex team to learn about your experience
– After your return to Switzerland, you also agree to carry out at least one activity as a “student ambassador” (make a presentation to fellow student community or promote the next iii call on social media etc.)