The Shenzhen Way of Open Innovation

Join this webinar and learn more about new partnership model within the hardware ecosystem in Shenzhen: the biggest and the most innovative hardware hub in the world!

Shenzhen is a major technology hub that produces the most hardware and electronic devices in the world. With R&D budgets going up across a number of industries, hardware suppliers seek to climb up the value chain with more sophisticated, higher-end products. This has gradually changed the partnership model.

In Shenzhen, as an entrepreneur you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the biggest and the most innovative hardware hub in the world. With the unique ecosystem rapidly evolving, you’ll need a flexible mindset and be prepared to redefine your relationship with your suppliers. Join this webinar and learn more about new partnership model within the hardware ecosystem.

Event Rundown

*Switzerland time (UTC +2)


10:00 – 10:10               Opening & Introduction
(Swissnex in China

Raffael Tschui – Partner at Octanis Instruments, Engineering coach of the China Hardware Innovation Camp (CHIC))


10:10 – 10:40               The Shenzhen Way of Open Innovation – New partnership model within the hardware ecosystem
(Eric Pan – Founder of Seeed Studio and Chaihuo makerspace)


10:40 – 11:00               Q&A and Closing Remarks

Speaker & Moderator

In collaboration with