Swissnex Day 2024

This year, Swissnex’s annual meeting puts the spotlight on planetary thinking, featuring researchers, innovators, and artists who are unveiling new ways of looking at the relationship between humans and the planet.

We have reached a breaking point. As the climate crisis worsens and the latest science on planetary boundaries sheds light on the fundamental limits of the Earth system, the intellectual world is on the edge of a paradigm shift. A growing body of researchers, innovators, and artists are tearing down established ideas to make space for new ways of thinking about our relationship with the planet. These perspectives challenge the human-centric ethos of progress that has characterized modernity, emphasizing instead our interdependence with Earth’s myriad other beings and processes, from aquatic ecosystems to soil-dwelling microbes to atmospheric aerosols.

In 2024, Swissnex Day, Swissnex’s signature annual event, puts the spotlight on these emerging forms of planetary thinking. Bringing Swissnex representatives from around the world to Bern on 24 April, it features speakers from a wide range of sectors and disciplines, all working towards a future in which humans and their nonhuman neighbors can thrive together within planetary boundaries.


  • 1:30pm – Registration
  • 2:00pm – Welcome remarks
  • 2:05pm – Keynote
  • 2:15pm – Virtual remarks
  • 2:20pm – Swissnex CEOs
  • 2:50pm – Lightning talks
  • 3:15pm – Closing remarks
  • 3:20pm – Networking apéro
  • 6:00pm – End of the event

Event start time


Virtual Remarks

Lightning Talks

Welcome Remarks

Swissnex CEOs

Master of Ceremonies