Quantum: A Catalyst for Bio

How might quantum technologies revolutionize drug development and biotech? How are quantum sensors already improving medtech? Join an event exploring how quantum can catalyze advances in the life sciences.

If the promises of emerging quantum technologies are fulfilled, they will have major consequences for the life sciences, biotech, and medtech industries. Quantum-driven chemical modeling has the potential to speed up drug discovery, while quantum sensors are already unlocking new levels of precision measurement. Join us at The Engine for a panel bringing together experts from Basel, Switzerland, and the Boston area to understand how quantum can catalyze a new era of life sciences innovation.


  • 5:00pm – Doors open
  • 5:30pm – Introductory remarks
  • 5:40pm – Virtual lightning talks – QuantumBasel, Roche
  • 5:50pm – Expert panel – NVIDIA, University of Basel & NCCR SPIN, FHNW, IBM, GESDA (moderating)
  • 6:30pm – Networking
  • 7:30pm – End of event

Event start time



Quantum: A Catalyst for Bio is organized by Swissnex in Boston in partnership with the University of Basel, NCCR SPIN, FHNW School of Life Sciences, NVIDIA, and Business Location Switzerland. Hosted at The Engine, the event is part of Project Quantum, Swissnex’s initiative to connect Switzerland and the world in quantum science and technology.