“AI AS A FRIEND” film screening during the Global Science Film Festival (GSFF)

The 6th Global Science Film Festival (GSFF), themed "The Shortest Distance between Science and Society is Cinema," will be held in Switzerland from November 7 to 10, 2024. As a special global partner, the Swissnex network will participate in a screening to international audiences in China, India, Japan, and Korea.

Founded by the Swiss Science Film Academy, the GSFF brings together scientists and filmmakers who share one passion: “scientific communication through film”. This year, Swissnex in China will once again participate in the simultaneous screening of one documentary film. Titled “AI AS A FRIEND: Does a Chatbot Relationship really work?” from SRF ‘Einstein’, the film perfectly falls into the topic of Tech&Ethics that we explored earlier this year in China with Swiss researchers.

The film explores the relationship between human and AI, it documents the experiment conducted by the SRF’s science program “Einstein”, where the selected participants and presenter Kathrin Honegger let an AI chatbot avatar into their lives for three weeks. Is AI any good yet as a flatmate, relationship partner or best friend? Will it always be a relationship between master and servant, as with digital assistants? Or will AI chatbots invade our routines and turn the conversations into something that feels pretty natural? And what if an AI suddenly challenges or deceives us? Could that even happen?



GENRE: Documentary
YEAR: 2024
COUNTRIES: Switzerland
LENGTH: 38 min


Following the film screening, which will simultaneously take place in China, India, Japan, and Korea, a podium discussion will be organized with experts from the respective locations to explore the different questions that the film raised. In China, Linda Sheng, Head of International Business from the leading technology company MiniMax – focused on developing large-scale artificial intelligence models aimed at fostering social connections and facilitating interaction – will join us on-site and dive deep into this topic together with the panelists from the other locations.



The event will take place in-person

16:00-16:25: Registration

16:25-16:30 Welcome Speech

  • Philippe Roesle, CEO, Consul,  Swissnex in China

16:30-17:11 Film Screening “AI AS A FRIEND”

17:11-18:00 Podium Discussion

  • Switzerland – Zurich
    • Moderator: Sahar El Khoury, PhD, Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Director Core AI & Data Platforms Strategy, Public Speaking Coach
    • Kathrin Hönegger (Einstein Co-Host)
    • Andrea Fischli (Einstein/Science Editor)
    • Christian Bachmann (Einstein Producer)
  • China – Shanghai
    • Linda Sheng, Head of International Business at MiniMax
  • India – New Delhi
    • Irma Ghufan, Independent Filmmaker and Artist
  • India – Bangalore
    • Ranjith Jaganathan, Interdisciplinary Cognitive Scientist and Adjunct Faculty at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS)
  • Korea – Seoul
    • Dr. Dasom Lee, Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
  • Japan – Tokyo
    • Goki Kusunoki, CEO & Founder of Samansa Inc.
  • Japan – Osaka
    • Hidenobu Sumioka, Leader of Presence Media Research Group in Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories, ATR (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International)
    • Masahiro Shiomi, Senior Research Scientist and Group Leader of the Agent Interaction Design Laboratory at the Interaction Science Laboratories at ATR

18:00-18:30 Interaction with Guest Speaker

  • Linda Sheng, Head of International Business, MiniMax

18:30-19:30 Networking

