Delegations and Sabbaticals
Swissnex in China is proud to enhance the activities of Swiss universities in China by welcoming visiting professors and students. It is our aim to extend the professional networks and to strengthen international cooperation and exchange of academic staff members and their respective departments, by implementing a project with a specific goal in one of the swissnex locations, and by building new networks contributing to the international profiling and visibility of Swiss universities.
Swissnex in China welcomes delegations of students, professors and administrators from Swiss universities and education institutions all year around.
We are pleased to help them establish contact with Chinese counterparts and organize a variety of activities during their stay in China, including presentations, workshops, networking receptions, study tours and so on. Below you can find a list of visiting delegations over the years.
Public Universities
EPFL: summer school (2015), EMBA student delegation (2013), Vice President (2013)
ETH Zurich: Master of Advanced Studies in Management, Technology, and Economics student delegation (2019), Master of Advanced Studies student delegation (2018)
University of Basel: summer school of Confucius Institute (2019, 2018), summer school (2014)
University of Friboug: Adolphe Merkle Institute delegation (2013)
University of Lausanne:
• Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne): student delegation (2018), summer school (2014)
• Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP): executive visiting delegation (2018)
University of St. Gallen: SKU Executive Management Program student delegation (2018), EMBA student delegation ( 2018, Apr. 2018, 2012), Logistics Management’s “Shanghai Study Module” (2018)
University of Zurich: EMBA student delegation (2019, 2018, 2014, Oct. 2014)
Universities of Applied Sciences
Bern University of Applied Sciences: EMBA student delegation (2018)
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU): Institute of Financial Services Zug (IFZ) delegation (2018), School of Engineering and Architecture professor delegation (2014)
Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS): delegation (2018)
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, Rapperswil (HSR): student delegation (2018)
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW): Insight China delegation (2018, 2014)
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI): EMBA student delegation (2019, 2013), Master of Science in Engineering’s “China Module” (2019)
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HES-SO): Master of Science in Innokick student delegation (2016)
• Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD): student delegation (2018)
• School of Health Sciences Vaud (HESAV): student delegation (2018, 2016, 2014), professor delegation (2013)
• School of Management and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD): Sino-Swiss Summer University in Business Administration (2019, 2018), professor delegation (2013)
• School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR): EMBA student delegation (2019, 2018)
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW): EMBA student delegation (2019, 2013), Master of Science in Engineering’s “China Module” (2019), School of Engineering student delegation (2018)
Board of Higher Education of the Canton of Vaud: delegation (2013)
Canton of Basel-Stadt: delegation (2013)
Canton of Aargau (2018) and Canton of Neuchatel (2016): high school student delegations
HFW Bern: delegation (2019, 2018)
Initiative for Intercultural Learning (IFIL): student delegation (2013)
Integrate Chinese Life (ICL): student delegation (2019)
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB): delegation (2013)
Every year, through the Staff Mobility Program, Swissnex in China supports the visits of sabbaticals from Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW). Not only do we research relevant contacts and organizations to meet based on their fields of research and facilitate the exchange and communication, but we also provide them with a working space during their stay. We have hosted sabbaticals in fields such as finance, insurance, management, transportation, and nursing in the past few years. You can read more about the experience of Fabienne Javet and Dr. Jan-Alexander Posth from the School of Management and Law, and Bernadette Alig and Katharina Fierz from the Institute of Nursing in 2019.
In the video below, Dr. Jan-Alexander Posth will also share with you in detail his discovery of green finance in China through the program.
Green Finance in China and Europe
Dr. Jan-Alexander Posth will also share with you in detail about his discovery of green finance in China through the program.