Startup Stories with Vatorex

In the second edition of "Startup Stories," we are delighted to have Vatorex to share their experiences in China through the China Startup Camp powered by Innosuisse. We had the chance to interview Karol Pelzner, Head of Product at Vatorex, who shared their takeaways and advice for entering the Chinese market.

Could you tell us about yourself and your company?

Karol Pelzner: My name is Karol Pelzner. Our company, Vatorex, specializes in smart beehives designed to combat the varroa parasite, which is the primary threat to bees, especially in North America, New Zealand, and Europe. This parasite is the main reason why many colonies fail to survive the winter. Traditionally, chemicals have been used to fight the parasite, but they require manual application and can harm the bees as well as leave residues in the honey. Our approach is different. We’ve developed an IoT hive that heats up the frames to kill the parasites without harming the bees. The software we’ve created analyzes the hive conditions and determines the optimal time for treatment.


When was Vatorex established, and what’s the current stage of your startup?

Karol Pelzner: Vatorex was established around 2014, but it began as more of an association and a side project. We’ve since evolved and now have a functional MVP, with the sixth generation of our product being the most advanced. We’ve received positive feedback from beekeepers worldwide.


Can you tell us about your team and the company’s international focus?

Karol Pelzner: We have a dynamic team of around 8 employees and 3 to 5 external consultants. While we are based in Switzerland, we are looking to expand our market to countries like Canada, New Zealand, and France, where there is a significant presence of commercial beekeepers. I’m the Head of Product, overseeing development and leading our engineers. We decided to internationalize early on because the Swiss market is too small and complex for our product, with many different hive standards. Focusing on larger markets with standardized hives makes more sense for us.


Since you are considering moving production to China. What’s the rationale behind this decision?

Karol Pelzner: We see China as a strategic location for both market research and production. The Chinese market is vast, and there’s a growing interest in chemical-free products. Additionally, moving production to China allows us to reduce costs and maintain quality control over the manufacturing process.


What challenges have you faced in China, and how do you plan to overcome them?

Karol Pelzner: The main challenge is the digital ecosystem in China, which is quite different from the rest of the world. Apps and communication tools that we’re used to are blocked, which complicates daily operations. However, we’re adapting by using local alternatives. As for production, we’re carefully selecting manufacturers who can meet our quality standards and are willing to work closely with us.


What’s next for Vatorex?

Karol Pelzner: We’re focusing on refining our product based on the feedback we’ve received and preparing for mass production in China. We aim to have our product ready for the upcoming beekeeping seasons in the southern and northern hemispheres. We’re also considering expanding our market reach in the future.


Lastly, do you have any advice for other Swiss startups looking to enter the Chinese market?

For startups considering mass production, coming to China is essential. It’s crucial to meet with various companies, understand their capabilities, and ensure the quality of production. Also, it’s important to consider the specific nature of your product and the market you’re targeting. IP protection is a concern, but it varies from product to product.

About Vatorex

Vatorex is a Swiss startup specializing in providing effective and environmentally friendly solutions for commercial beekeepers. They participated in the China Startup Camp powered by Innosuisse to investigate the current Chinese beekeeping market and competitors in the mite control sector, identify potential partners, comprehend regulatory requirements in the Chinese market, and cultivate an integrated supply chain solution.

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The China Startup Camp powered by Innosuisse is a partnership between Swissnex and Innosuisse that equips Swiss entrepreneurs with the tools and support they need to discover and validate the Chinese market.