The advent of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) has brought about a veritable revolution in educational programs. No longer does one have to show up at a specific place during a specific time to benefit from high-quality education. Online learning platforms such as Coursera and Skillshare provide an affordable source of knowledge to anybody with an internet connection, enabling its participants to gain access to specialized knowledge right away without having to sit through years of expensive formal education.
Not least of all, digital education brings together people with all sorts of backgrounds and allows for an exchange of perspectives in the spirit of diversity and inclusion. Having said that, the world has just entered this new phase of education and – pushed by the pandemic – often merely transposed the old face-to-face educational model to a virtual setting. Many of the unique possibilities digital platforms have to offer still remain to be discovered and taken advantage of.
This webinar – organized by oikos International and Swissnex in Brazil, enabled by Movetia and in collaboration with Swissnex in China – will explore current and future initiatives fostering virtual mobility. Featuring movers and shakers from Brazil, China and Europe, it will zoom in on the questions of digital inclusion and intercontinental accreditation. The various participants, among them representatives of non-formal education institutions, will introduce themselves and discuss these timely topics in focus groups.
Event Rundown
20:00-20:05 Introduction
20:05-20:55 Current and future initiatives on Digital Mobility
All speakers will give a brief introduction of their relevant projects and initiatives.
20:55-21:10 Focus Discussion: Digital Inclusion
21:10-21:20 Focus Discussion: Intercontinental Accreditation
21:20-21:40 Q&A
Charlotte Grawitz
EURAXESS Brazil and LAC RepresentativeCharlotte Grawitz is a French economist, specialized in development. She held various positions in Brazil and France related to international cooperation. In 2013, Charlotte set up EURAXESS network in Brazil. In 2017, EURAXESS Brazil was transformed into EURAXESS Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). EURAXESS is a European Commission initiative to promote researchers’ mobility and career development.
George Ubachs
Managing Director EADTUGeorge Ubachs is Managing Director of EADTU, the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities. EADTU is Europe’s institutional association of leading universities in online, open and flexible higher education, and is at the heart of the modernisation agenda of European universities. He is responsible for the development and support of the EADTU network, policies and execution of its goals in online, open and flexible higher education. Coordinator of international academic cooperation networks on networked curricula and virtual mobility.
Laurin Reding
Movetia (Switzerland): Project Manger Erasmus+ Youth in Action, European Advanced Training CoursesLaurin Reding has many years of experience in non-formal education, international project management and diplomacy. Since 2018, he works for the Swiss National Agency for Exchange and Mobility (Movetia) in the implementation of the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+, including impact evaluation, grant-making and fostering European partnerships.
Patrício Pereira Marinho
Science & Technology Analyst at CAPES, Coordination of Strategic Partnerships in the Global North and Oceania (CPET)Patrício Marinho is an analyst of science and technology at CAPES’ Directorate of International Affairs(DRI). Since 2013, he is the coordinator for strategic partnerships and programs with the USA, Asia, UK, Ireland and Oceania. His main roles are the negotiation of agreements for new and ongoing partnerships and the coordination of the cooperation programs originated from these agreements. He holds a degree in Japanese Language from the University of Brasília and a Master’s at Graduate School of International Development – Nagoya University.
Shen Xuesong
Deputy Secretary-General China Education Association for International ExchangeShen Xuesong got her Bachelor’s Degree of Arts and Master’s Degree of Education from Beijing Normal University (China), and Master’s Degree of Public Administration from Ball State University (USA). She joined China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) in 1996. From 2006 to 2012, worked for UNESCO as Liaison Officer and Education Officer. She was appointed Director of Executive Office at CEAIE in 2012, and also Director of Project Development and Marketing Department and Deputy Secretary-General in 2014.
Rahel Aschwanden
Co-founder at Instituto NOW, Lead of InnovationRahel Aschwanden is an instructional designer and co-founder of NOW and Instituto NOW. The focus of NOW is to develop new educational experiences and tools that inspire young people to create a positive impact. With Instituto NOW, Rahel and her team bring their experience around hybrid and virtual learning to other organisations and companies. Recently, they launched the NOW App – a tool to foster and measure the development of 21st century competencies.