Movetia-Swissnex Webinar: Trends in China

This webinar in collaboration with Movetia will discuss two trending topics in China.

China’s Path to Industrial Leadership: VPET and Industry 4.0/5.0

As the world’s factory, China has long been a global leader in manufacturing-tech and supply chain management. To do so, it emphasizes highly on Vocational and Professional Education and Technology (VPET), especially as China prepares to host its third China Skills in 2025 and World Skills in 2026.

On top of this, China has emphasized the importance of the fourth industrial revolution – a period of great technological/industrial change driven by advanced information and computational technology (ICT). It is also heavily invested in the fifth industrial revolution – a turn towards sustainable production systems. CATL assimilates these two currents well, as the world-leading battery producer is seeking to transform its whole supply chain carbon-neutral by 2035.

How does China and its companies integrate both a thriving VPET scene and two industrial transformations into its outlook?  What are its challenges and opportunities? Swissnex in China will provide key insights and explore opportunities for mobility partnership and projects on the ground.

Levelling Up Shopping: Gamification in China’s E-Commerce Market

In a market-value over 2 trillion-dollars, China’s e-commerce scene is the biggest in the world and naturally knows a significant level of competition. This has led to the surge of many innovative ideas over the years, from the creation of new shopping holidays to the pioneering of live-stream shopping. Among these concepts, the gamification of the e-commerce platforms demonstrates great popularity and ingenuity.

Alibaba pioneered this notion back in 2016, yet it is still largely unknown outside of China. It enhances customer involvement by bringing game mechanics such as challenges, rewards, scoreboards and more.

What game elements have worked well? What is preventing its implantation in the West? Based in the commercial powerhouse of Shanghai, Swissnex in China is well positioned to showcase its hurdles and prospects, as well as finding avenues for partnership and possible mobility projects.


International cooperation and exchange for education

Swissnex and Movetia are working together to facilitate and support mobility and cooperation projects outside of Europe for Swiss educational institutions. The six Swissnex main locations offer Movetia stakeholders a range of services, including matchmaking, workshops, scouting activities, and project facilitation.

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