China Onboarding

Join us at the China Onboarding webinar to receive valuable tips and advice on how to prepare for your stay in China and maximize your experience abroad!

Swissuniversities is offering an informative presentation in collaboration with Swissnex in China, taking place on October 22 and 30 (with the same session offered each day). If you’re a Swiss student getting ready for an exchange program in China, these presentations are perfect for you! You’ll get some great tips and advice on how to prepare for your stay in China and make the most out of your experience abroad.

Time: 7:00 PM (China time) | 12:00 PM (Swiss time)


Welcome and purpose of the webinar
Cissy Yiwen Sun, Head of Academia and Arts, Swissnex in China

Presentation: Study in Chinese Higher Education Institutions
Céline Badertscher, Deputy Head of STE, Embassy of Switzerland in China

Testimonial: Swiss students who recently studied in China
Students who have done an exchange in China

Final remarks and closing of the webinar
Cissy Yiwen Sun, Head of Academia and Arts, Swissnex in China
