Blockchain technology provides new infrastructure to build the next innovative applications beyond cryptocurrencies, driving profound, positive changes across business, communities and society. In the upcoming hybrid Café des Sciences Lecture, we’ve invited experts on Blockchain to guide us through their researches and practices over the topic.
Via the online platform – Zoom, Prof. Claudio Tessone, Academic Director of UZH Blockchain Center from University of Zurich will present his research about the reasons for the excessive centralisation of existing blockchain-based systems, which are systems designed to be decentralised, and the ways to overcome this. He will also give us a virtual tour about the newly established competence center at University of Zurich – the UZH Blockchain Center. While at our event space, Dr. Siyan Xu, Deputy Director of Smart Industry Research Center of Tencent Research Institute will meet you in person and share with us her research and insights on Blockchain and its application in China.
After the two keynote presentations, there’ll be a panel discussion around Blockchain led by David Chang, Vice President of Shanghai Blockchain Association and CEO of Blocknology Digital Ventures and we’ll discuss the topic from academic, industry and policy perspective. Luisa Kinzius, Project Leader from Sinolytics will also join the panel discussion and share her insights.
Event Rundown
*program from 19:00 – 20:00 will be live broadcasted via Zoom
18:30 – 19:00 Registration
19:00 – 19:05 Opening Remarks
(Dr. Felix Moesner – Science Consul & CEO, Swissnex in China)
19:05 – 19:15 Presentation
(Dr. Siyan Xu – Deputy Director,Tencent Research Institute Smart Industry Research Center)
19:15 – 19:30 Presentation
(Prof. Claudio Tessone – Assistant Professor for Network Science, Academic Director, UZH Blockchain Center, University of Zurich)
19:30 – 20:00 Panel Discussion
David Chang – Vice President of Shanghai Blockchain Association and CEO of Blocknology Digital Ventures
Prof. Claudio Tessone – Assistant Professor for Network Science /Academic Director, UZH Blockchain Center, University of Zurich
Dr. Siyan Xu – Deputy Director of Smart Industry Research Center of Tencent Research
Luisa Kinzius – Project Leader, Sinolytics
20:00 – 21:00 Networking reception
David Chang
Vice President of Shanghai Blockchain Association and CEO of Blocknology Digital VenturesMr. David Chang is Vice President of Shanghai Blockchain Association, industry fellow of UC Berkeley Blockchain Accelerator and CEO of Blocknology Digital Venture(BDV), BDV is an ecosystem of private and public capital, startups, experts with domain knowledge on a global scale, with global reach and dedicated to innovative and impactful digital technologies, with specific focuses in BrainTech, PrivacyTech, Fintech, CleanTech, EdTech, Blockchain, Digital Governance. BDV also formed strategic relationships with national labs on digital economy governance and cybersecurity, is also part of the task force in piloting digital city management and governance and is also forming a digital family office platform with HK and mainland families.
Dr. Siyan Xu
Deputy Director of Smart Industry Research Center of Tencent Research InstituteSiyan is senior TMT researcher at Tencent Internet Research Institute. Her research examines new business and organizational models appear alongside Internet and new technology, which serves as strategy indication of Tencent’s new business direction. She has published various reports, whitepapers and book on nascent economic-technical of internet platforms, as well as new technological paradigms as blockchain, AI and Industrial Internet. Siyan achieved a Ph.D. from Tsinghua University and was a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Prof. Dr. Claudio J. Tessone
Assistant Professor for Network Science Academic Director, UZH Blockchain Center University of ZurichClaudio J. Tessone is the Chairman of the UZH Blockchain Center and Professor for Network Science at the University of Zurich. Since his PhD he studies the link between microscopic agent behaviour, the rules these agents follow and the global, emergent properties of systems. He holds a PhD in Physics and a Habilitation on “Complex socio-economic systems” from ETH Zurich in the area of Economics, Management and Technology. He is an expert in the modelling of complex socio-economic, and socio-technical systems from an interdisciplinary perspective. Blockchain-based systems and cryptocurrencies are a pillar of his research (being among the first to study them).
Luisa Kinzius
Project Leader, SinolyticsLuisa Kinzius is Project Leader at Sinolytics GmbH, a European research-based consultancy entirely focused on China. In her work she observes the Chinese government’s approach towards blockchain and analyses the impact of Chinese blockchain policies and regulations on the business dynamics in China. Luisa also closely tracks the developments of China’s digital currency and its domestic as well as international implications. She holds a M.Sc.in Economics from the LMU Munich and spend several years living in China.
In collaboration with
Café des Sciences
Café des Sciences is a new format at Swissnex in China offering a monthly platform for Swiss Spotlight Scientists and Startups to present their projects and connect with the local community. The lectures will offer a casual setting in which speakers can present their work and engage with the attendees during a Q&A period. Audiences are welcomed to enjoy the networking reception with Swiss flavour after the talk. The lecture is scheduled to take place every third Thursday each month at Swissnex in China or our partner spaces.