Já se passaram 20 anos desde a fundação da Swissnex em Cambridge, EUA. Conduzir esta aventura foi uma visão para o futuro da Suíça e seu formidável potencial de inovação. Hoje, a Swissnex representa uma plataforma incomparável para conectar o amanhã: uma rede global que, por meio da troca de conhecimentos, ideias e talentos, se dedica a liberar a imaginação necessária para criar um mundo diferente.
Por meio de uma rede de postos avançados em Bangalore, Boston, Rio de Janeiro, Xangai e São Francisco, junto com Gabinetes de Ciência e Tecnologia ao redor do mundo, trabalhamos em nome da Suíça para expandir a educação, a pesquisa e a inovação.
A ciência exige ação: os desafios humanos e planetários que temos pela frente exigirão uma explosão de criatividade e inovação. Mais do que nunca, nosso futuro depende de nossa capacidade de inspirar uns aos outros além das fronteiras tradicionais e traçar coletivamente novos caminhos.
Connecting Tomorrow
For its 20th anniversary, the Swissnex Network engages researchers, entrepreneurs, and visionary leaders to imagine the role of Switzerland on the global stage in 2040. What vision of Switzerland can propel the next 20 years of Swissnex? Called nex20, the core of the program consists of various activities in different formats across five themes:
Working Tomorrow
There is little doubt that the way we work is about to change dramatically. The driver behind the 4th Industrial Revolution, a term coined by the founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, are technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence and automation. All of these breakthroughs are expected to bring about significant economic benefits like higher productivity and efficiency, a rising GDP and greater wealth overall. However, the 4th industrial revolution will require people to achieve the transition into both new and altered job roles.
Learning to work amidst this new context will be essential.
Living Tomorrow
Rising urbanisation, scarcer resources and climate change are some of the challenges mankind will be facing in the near future. To respond to this, innovative solutions are being designed and implemented as we speak: Artificial intelligence improves our commute, renewable energy makes our travels greener, new materials keep our houses warmer and robotisation enhances our harvests. Education, research and innovation are pivotal in defining how we will be living tomorrow.
Meeting Tomorrow
In a globalised world such as ours, a prosperous future is dependent on global governance. Switzerland, hosting International Geneva and its numerous NGOs & international organisations, will continue to be a key platform in defining solutions to current issues, such as climate change, but also emerging ones, such as data protection.
Swiss Education, Research and Innovation has a big interest in continuing its deep collaboration with global governance, and so does the swissnex Network, offering efficient frameworks for this collaboration to keep thriving.
#Meeting Tomorrow also refers to the current post-pandemic situation, where our social interactions have changed. This is obviously the case for our day to day lives but also for the encounters of decision-makers. Can digital solutions fully replace physical exchanges?