Photo credit: Felix Moesner


Swissnex is the Swiss global network connecting Switzerland and the world in education, research and innovation. Our mission is to support the outreach and active engagement of our partners in the international exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent. We thereby contribute to strengthen Switzerland's profile as a world-leading innovation hotspot.


Connecting people and ideas

We connect Swiss and Japanese universities, researchers and academics, fostering the international exchange of research and ideas. We promote the visibility of Swiss universities through media outreach, collaborative events and partnerships, and exchange opportunities.

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Making sense of a changing world

We leverage the arts to make sense of profound changes and build communities at the interface of science, technology, and society. We also facilitate the promotion of Swiss artists and cultural exchange in the fields of art-technology and art-science, with particular attention to the domains of digital creation, interactive media, design, and architecture.

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Startup & Innovation

Grasping the future as it emerges

We explore emerging trends, players, and practices in Japan, and turn these into insights and opportunities for our partners.

Empowering Swiss startups

Swissnex is the launchpad for Swiss startups in Japan. Our equity-free startup programs are customized to the needs of entrepreneurs exploring or entering the Japan market. We help innovators and entrepreneurs find collaborations, projects or fresh ideas and prepare Swiss startups for their first steps in Japan.

Innosuisse camps
Innosuisse camps