Open Educational Resources (OER)
Foster Lifelong learning and sustainability in education
We were excited to welcome and present our next #Sabbatical talk event from ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences as the new Consulate of Switzerland, Swissnex in Japan.
Roger Flühler, working in the ZHAW University Library Education Services provided an outline of Open Educational Resources and its practice in OER-Learning Center at the ZHAW University Library.
This allowed us to understand the idea behind the long-term and short-term value of open access educational materials, practical details in Switzerland, and its challenges when expanding to wider topics in the future.
Making educational materials open access contributes not only to the return of university-generated results to society but also to improving the quality of higher #education and equal educational opportunities.
The accelerated use of ICT in education due to the pandemic has also been a tailwind for OER, and a joint project by several universities is underway with the support of Swissuniversities.