Selected residents
The participants of the City as Forest residency program have been selected. The program offers an immersion for research and experimentation, meant for artists scientists interested in developing their work in the urban environment of Rio de Janeiro. The program will held between 16 May and 4 June 2022, in its first edition, by the Goethe-Institut in Rio de Janeiro, the Museum of Tomorrow, Swissnex in Brazil and Pro Helvetia South America.
Selected residents
Isabela Meirelles
Isabella investigates energetic processes through matter, sound and light. She conducts research in sound art and technology, digital art, audiovisual projects, performances, art installations, workshops, field recordings and compositions. Her practice also includes the construction of electronic instruments/objects.
Joelma Gomes Ferreira
She is a black woman, quilombola, urban planner with a master’s in territorial studies. She lives in the Recôncavo Baiano, specifically in Acupe, an ancestral territory. She fights for the demarcation and preservation of the fishing and quilombola territory. She coordinates the Rainhas do Mar collective, which promotes financial autonomy for women shellfish gatherers and rural producers. She also works as a cultural articulator and photographer for love.
Lotta Ortheil
Lotta Ortheil is a PhD candidate in Human Geography at RCC and LMU Munich researching the potential of urban food forestry in sustainable city development. She studied Art Theory and Media Arts at the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe and IUAV Venice. In 2019 she completed her second master’s degree in Climate Change Science and Management at Ca’ Foscari University Venice with a final report in the field of climate services.
Milena Manfredini
Filmmaker, anthropologist, visual artist and independent curator. She is currently conducting her master’s research in the Culture and Territorialities program at UFF. She directed the films “I Need These Written Words” (2017); “Camelôs” (2018); “Guardião dos Caminhos” (2019); “De um lado do Atlântico” (2020) and “Mãe Celina de Xangô” (2021). He has produced video art for museums and is currently with 4 works commissioned by the Rio Museum of Art, in the exhibition “Crônicas Cariocas”.
Pedro Kosovski
Pedro Kosovski and Marco André Nunes founded in 2005 this creation nucleus in scene arts based in Rio de Janeiro. Their creations are in interface with other artistic languages such as music, dance, performance, urban intervention, audiovisual and digital art. They create works with original and collaborative dramaturgy crossed by concepts such as collective memory, city and social imaginary. They have exhibited their creations in Brazil and in festivals in South America and Europe.
Séverin Guelpa
Séverin Guelpa is an artist and curator. He lives and works in Geneva. In addition to regular exhibitions in Switzerland and abroad, he is the founder and director of the MATZA project which brings together artists and architects in emblematic territories. He has a master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Geneva and a master’s degree in Visual Arts from HEAD, Geneva School of Art and Design. He is an associate artist researcher at EDHEA, art school of Sierre.