The AIT is an initiative by Swissnex in Brazil and the Leading House for the Latin American Region (University of St.Gallen), and consists of two phases: a first training camp in Brazil, connecting Brazilian researchers-entrepreneurs with their Swiss peers; and a second training camp in Switzerland, bringing together Brazilian and Swiss participants. The 2019 training camp will take place in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
swissnex Brazil in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen (HSG), the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC) launched training camps for Brazilian and Swiss scientists: “Academia Industry Training”.
The AIT aims to connect promising researchers-entrepreneurs with the industry in order to develop the market application of their high-level research. It also makes international researchers working together to share best practices, understand new markets, develop new market applications and create synergies.
Brazilian Participants
Alexandre dos Santos (The ForestEye / Federal Institute of Mato Grosso – IFMT )
ForestEye platform combines artificial intelligence (AI) and remote sensing technologies to help companies in forest health monitoring.
Andre Nobrega Pitaluga (Mýkites / Fiocruz – Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC)
Bio-prospection enterprise that uses high-throughput and target-specific fungal isolation process to offers custom solutions for biological control market.
Antônio Milton Vieira Gomes (Safe and suitanable production of Hyaluronic Acid / University of Brasília – UnB)
Genetic modified yeasts for sustainable production of cosmetics and food ingredients
Bruna Manzini (Regen Aid / University of Campinas – UNICAMP)
This technology is a resorbable biopatch loaded with stem cells, for surgical applications such as tumor resection, aiming the replacement of the removed area through a single implant surgery and the regeneration of the damaged tissue into its normal morphology, fisiology and functionality.
Caio Guimarães (beone / University of Pernambuco – UPE)
We developed a novel, low-cost, noninvasive, rapid and highly effective treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and hard to heal wounds using photobiomodulation.
Diego Stone (Tektun / University of Brasília – UnB / University of Nottingham)
Tektun is the elegant solution to the present and future of agriculture: nanotechnology applied to pest biological management.
Julio Massignan (E2C energy to cloud / University of São Paulo – USP)
Harvesting the power of data for reliable, sustainable and smart energy systems.
Marina Alvarenga (Omics Biotecnologia / São Paulo State University – Unesp)
Cell therapy and stem cell derived products for veterinary medicine, recovering movements and improving quality of life.
Nathalia Moraes do Nascimento (OrientaMED / Pontifical Catholic University)
OrientaMED goal is to save lives by the breath, developing a smart and portable device to facilitate screening chronic diseases by means of a breathalyzer test.
Polyana Tizioto (NGS Genomic Solutions / Technology Incubator – ESALQTec / University of São Paulo – USP)
Personalized genomic and artificial intelligence solutions to improve animal health, welfare, and the quality and safety of milk.
Swiss Participants
Loulia Kasem & Erick Garcia (REA / École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL)
The first non-invasive test for pregnant women to diagnose a risk of preterm birth whenever and wherever they want.
Nikolas Molyndris (decentriq / University of St. Gallen – HSG)
decentriq enables companies to do analytics on sensitive data without breaching any privacy.
Simon Breitler (EraCal Therapeutics / University of Zürich – UZH & Harvard University)
EraCal Therapeutics, a start-up of the University of Zurich and Harvard University, is working on overcoming the metabolic syndrome by bringing their new anti-obesity drug to patients worldwide.
Samantha Lynn Anderson (DePoly / École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL)
We chemically recycle PET plastic back to its main chemical components.
Raffael Wohlgensinger (Legendairy Foods / University of St. Gallen – HSG)
Legendairy Foods leverages new approaches in biotechnology and food science to produce real milk products without cows to improve the sustainability of our food system.
Hana Samet (Nebulo Systems / École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL)
Nebulo Systems’ aim is to revolutionize the home security system, by bringing the super effective fog technology to the masses.
Sebastian Loy (Nanoglue / ETH Zürich & Empa St.Gallen)
In a world where every 10th skin transplant fails and deadly superbug infections are becoming the norm, we harness cutting-edge nanotechnology to ensure skin transplant survival for millions of patients worldwide.
Pascal Bieri (Planted / University of St. Gallen – HSG)
Planted creates tasty ‘meat’ directly and only from plants – and skips the animal in its process. Our plant-based meat is all-natural, sustainable, high in protein, healthy and cruelty-free.
Gaurasundar Marc Conley (Annaida Technologies / École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL)
Annaida develops high tech solutions to tackle the problem of low success rates in In Vitro Fertilization.
Daniel Ostojic (Oxyprem / University of Zürich – UZH)
Oxyprem is uncovering brain oxygenation in high-risk patients to reduce morbidity and mortality.