ISJRP 2021

What is ISJRP?

The Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme (ISJRP) was initiated by the Indian and Swiss governments in 2005 in order to further develop the bilateral cooperation in scientific and technological areas of strategic relevance to both countries. The current call for joint research projects (JRPs) is financed by the SNSF, the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) in India and the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) are issuing a call for Joint Research Projects (JRPs), on the principles of reciprocity, parity and activity matching funding.

Joint Research Projects

Grants for JRPs are aimed at promoting collaborative projects with clearly defined goals, involving at least one partner based in Switzerland and one based in India. The research is to be carried out at the research facilities involved. Reciprocal visits and short stays in Switzerland for researchers from India and vice versa are also included within the scope of a JRP. The duration of the JRPs is 3 to 4 years. Proposals with a duration outside this range will not be accepted.


  • Funding

    JRP proposals contain two separate budgets: one budget in INR for the Indian applicant(s) (to be paid by the MoES or ICSSR depending on the field of research and according to its rules) and one budget in CHF for the Swiss part (to be paid by the SNSF according to its rules). The available budget for this call allows for the funding of 7 projects in the field of Mountain Research (MoES/SNSF) and 8 projects in the field of Social Sciences (ICSSR/SNSF), provided that a sufficient number of high-quality proposals are submitted. The funding per project is sufficient for each side to support employees’ salaries (PhD students, postdocs, other staff) as well as consumables, some minor equipment and mobility costs related to the project.

  • Submission

    Proposals are to be jointly prepared by the Swiss and Indian applicants. They must be submitted by the Swiss main applicant to the SNSF via its electronic submission system (mySNF, No hard copies will be accepted. Indian researchers are asked to note that all applications must be submitted via the SNSF online system, as indicated above. The Indian applicants can have access to the electronic submission system through their Swiss partners. In addition, Indian applicants must also submit a pdf of the application submitted to SNSF within seven working days after the deadline of the call by email to either the MoES or to ICSSR (depending on the project). One hard copy of the proposal should be submitted to the MoeS or ICSSR contact (please refer to the call document for more details).

  • Evaluation

    Peer review: Proposals for JRPs will be reviewed according to standard international peer review procedures, jointly organised by the SNSF, the ICSSR and the MoES. Two ad hoc evaluation panels will be set up. One panel evaluation is composed of experts proposed by the SNSF and the MoES to evaluate the proposals related to the topics from the MoES. The other panel evaluation is composed of experts proposed by the SNSF and the ICSSR for evaluation of proposals related to the topics from the ICSSR. The evaluation results will be communicated to the Swiss main applicants by the SNSF and to the Indian main applicants by the MoES or the ICSSR, depending on the field of the project.

Eligibility Criteria

Each proposal for a JRP must have at least one main applicant based in Switzerland and one main applicant based in India; they are the principal investigators on the Swiss and Indian sides, respectively. They bear the main responsibility for the project, including its technical and administrative coordination as well as the timely delivery of scientific and financial reports. Further, applicants based in Switzerland and/or India can also participate in a JRP.

Call for proposals