Cross-disciplinary Talks

LASER – Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous – is a cross-disciplinary talk series started by Leonardo/the International Society for Arts, Sciences, and Technology.

LASER Boston

In collaboration with SciArt Initiative, LASER Boston features local and visiting artists, scientists, technologists, and creative professionals. Surrounding central topics from different points of view, LASER Boston aims to generate cross-disciplinary discovery, dialogue, and collaboration. Each LASER is centered around a common theme that our speakers approach from their own points of view. LASER Boston meets four times per year, featuring local and visiting artists, scientists, technologists, and creative professionals.

SciArt Initiative

Handshake By AATB

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Handshake was an interactive robotic installation and event series. Through which strangers interacted, virtually but also physically. Shaking hands and sharing digital intimacy through this unique online experience. Explore the full program on our website archive.

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